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Human Footprints Emily Briese, Spencer Gall, Cathy James, Connor Boyle, Jordan Budrevich, Karmyn Wilford.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Footprints Emily Briese, Spencer Gall, Cathy James, Connor Boyle, Jordan Budrevich, Karmyn Wilford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Footprints Emily Briese, Spencer Gall, Cathy James, Connor Boyle, Jordan Budrevich, Karmyn Wilford

2 Learning Objectives Compare differences between nitrogen, carbon, and water footprints within their own fields Use these practical approaches to understand how to reduce footprints Compare US impacts vs national impacts

3 Calculating Footprints
Carbon: Location, # people, utility bill info, car info, recycle Nitrogen: Food consumption and diet, housing and utilities, transportation, spending Water: Meat consumption, region, yearly income

4 Carbon Footprint Description: amount of carbon emitted due to consumption of fossil fuels Daily activities emit greenhouse gas emissions → carbon footprint Driving, doing laundry, recycling, household appliances History: Since 2011, global CO2 emissions are said to be an average of 150x larger than they were in 1850. US is second largest emitter, with emissions 266x greater than 1850 Importance: Monitoring and reducing carbon footprint → stop global warming/ climate change

5 Personal Carbon Footprint

6 What is a Nitrogen Footprint?
Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere Reactive Nitrogen has effect on the environment and humans 7 times more reactive nitrogen is created by humans than nature Approximately 80% of reactive nitrogen used in agriculture is absorbed into the environment prior to consumption. Source:

7 Effects of Excess Reactive Nitrogen
Algae Bloom Acid Rain Ozone hole Smog Forest Die-back Soruce:

8 Personal Nitrogen Footprint

9 Personal Nitrogen Footprint (cont.)

10 Water Footprint The type and quantity of water used
Provides a basis for identifying the impacts of goods/services Green Water Volume of water flow for human activities Blue Water Volume of ground/surface water consumed and evaporated Grey Water Volume of water polluted by humans

11 Personal Water Footprint
More questions Vague questions m3

12 How to Reduce Footprints
Carbon: Transportation (carpooling, walking, bus), energy efficient appliances, eat local and organic food, recycling Nitrogen: Altering diet (less meat consumption, organic), energy efficient appliances, transportation Water: Water conscious appliances, only use water when necessary, diet All of these have similar overlying tones!

13 Footprinting: Blackboard
To learn more about Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water footprints, visit the K&S folder! I have inserted a link and an initial photo if we have time when we are presenting -The link is in the textbox FYI

14 Sources

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