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A Contrast One Type of Hook.

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1 A Contrast One Type of Hook

2 What is Contrast? Contrast is a differing from the topic to be written. By contrasting the subject, an opposite view is presented which makes the reader curious. This curiosity causes contrast to be an effective type of hook. Contrast can work with either first person or third person point of view.

3 A Sample Cathy hated being outside as a child. She complained about the heat and the bugs. Cathy hated being dirty. She would never help her father in the garden. How totally ironic that fact is today. Despite her childhood concerns, Cathy overcame that displeasure of being outdoors and became an organic gardener. She now grows natural foods for her family, advises her neighbors on how best to prepare and maintain their gardens, and lectures about organic gardening at several local markets. Black – Hook Brown – Background White – Thesis/Essay Map

4 Another Sample The discovery of the Americas had to be the most wonderful event in American history. At least that is what most people believe. In studying this momentous historic event though, it can be proven that this discovery led to several terrible events that will forever mar American history. Columbus’s great discovery actually brought three horrible consequences to future Americans – slavery, illness, and war. Black – Hook Brown – Background White – Thesis/Essay Map

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