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Environmental Law Debate Assignment

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1 Environmental Law Debate Assignment

2 What is a Debate? A formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.

3 Debate Does Stay calm. Even if you get passionate about your point you must stay cool and in command of your emotions. If you lose your temper – you lose. Use facts as evidence for your position. Facts are hard to refute so gather some pertinent data before the argument starts. Surveys, statistics, quotes from relevant people and results are useful arguments to deploy in support of your case.

4 Use logic. Show how one idea follows another
Use logic. Show how one idea follows another. Build your case and use logic to undermine your opponent. Appeal to higher values. As well as logic you can use a little emotion by appealing to worthy motives that are hard to disagree with Be prepared to concede a good point. Don’t argue every point for the sake of it. If your adversary makes a valid point then agree but outweigh it with a different argument.

5 6. Listen carefully. Many people are so focused on what they are going to say that they ignore their opponent and assume his arguments. It is better to listen carefully. You will observe weaknesses and flaws in his position and sometimes you will hear something new and informative!

6 Debate Don’ts Get personal. Direct attacks on your opponent’s lifestyle, integrity or honesty should be avoided. Attack the issue not the person. Use vulgar language or make insulting comments Get distracted Water down your strong arguments with weak ones. If you have three strong points and two weaker ones then it is probably best to just focus on the strong.

7 How much is it Worth Mark Distribution:
15% of your final grade You will work in groups of 4 but be marked individually. Mark Distribution: Debate Performance (out of 40) /40 Debate Evaluation of other groups /7 Personal debate performance /33 Research and write-up (out of 60) /60 Debate Outline /20 Research note + resources /20 Debate speech-written arguments /30 Total /100

8 Debate Schedule Pro-Opening Statement 1.5-3min Con-Opening Statement 1.5-3min Pro-Argument #1 2-4min Pro-Argument #2 2-4min Con-Argument #1 2-4min Con-Argument #2 2-4min Break 5min (time to consult one another to rebuttal) Pro-Rebuttal Arguments 4-8min Con-Rebuttal Arguments 4-8min Pro-Conclusion 2-4min Con-Conclusion 2-4min Questions 5min (classmate ask questions from both teams)

9 When is it Due All groups must be ready to go on Wednesday June 18, 2011!. On Wednesday team names will be pulled at random. If you are not ready to go you get a 0 for debate performance!

10 What are we going to debate about?
Each group will suggest a debate topic Than the class will vote on the 8 topic and the top two topics will be selected. Each group will pull a debate topic by random. Please note that you wont know if you are PRO OR CON just yet. That will be decided on Monday at the end of class. Therefore, you must research both sides!

11 Research Do NOT waste your work period if you do they will be revoked
You must hand in your research notes and properly cited bibliography - this cite will help with the citation

12 Using Wikipedia If you are using Wikipedia please verify the validity of the information on anything that is highlight is considered questionable or controversial so please avoid using that information

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