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1 Christianity

2 Jesus was a Jew. He was born around 4 BCE in Bethlehem.
He followed Jewish law and worked as a carpenter. He began preaching and there were stories of miracles.

3 His message of spiritual salvation was not well-received by all.
Jewish priests (rabbis) felt he was challenging their authority. Roman authorities saw him as a dangerous revolutionary. He was arrested and crucified. According to his disciples (followers), he rose from the dead and later ascended to heaven.

4 Spread of Christianity
Apostles went around preaching his message to Jews. The first Christians were Jews in Palestine. Christianity became a sect (small group) within Judaism. Paul spread the teachings of Jesus to gentiles (non-Jews).

5 Christianity attracted new converts.
The Greek and Roman gods had lost their appeal. The message of equality and eternal life was comforting to the poor and oppressed. Unity of Roman Empire and excellent system of roads helped.

6 First Century A.D. Christians seen as dangerous subversives - religion outlawed. There were thousands of martyrs – people who suffer and die for their beliefs.

7 Church developed into a hierarchy modeled after the Roman govt.
Priest Bishop Archbishop Pope - “Father of the Church” - head of the Roman Catholic Church. Archbishop of Rome assumed full authority.

8 Details Gospels (first 4 books of the New Test.) discuss the life of Jesus. 392 CE – Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Heresies – beliefs contrary to official Church teachings were eliminated. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the church took over as the central institution of western civilization for the next 1,000 years.

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