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Shakespeare’s Language Techniques

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1 Shakespeare’s Language Techniques
Term Definition 1. pun play on words 2. double entendre dirty pun; sexual innuendo 3. simile comparison w/ like or as 4. metaphor implied comparison 5. extended metaphor keep talking about the comparison for several lines 6. personification giving human qualities to nonhuman 7. allusion reference to another story/event oxymoron phrase of 2 words w/ opposite meanings 9. paradox seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement, but is true 10. iambic pentameter 10 syllables per line 11. blank verse unrhymed iambic pentameter 12. couplet a couple of lines of poetry that rhyme 13. sonnet 14 line poem Next year: do in order of appearance in text; make it pop up as we go

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