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Counting Money By Lauren Dodson. Learning Objectives After this lesson you will be able to identify a penny, a nickel, and a dime correctly. After this.

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Presentation on theme: "Counting Money By Lauren Dodson. Learning Objectives After this lesson you will be able to identify a penny, a nickel, and a dime correctly. After this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counting Money By Lauren Dodson

2 Learning Objectives After this lesson you will be able to identify a penny, a nickel, and a dime correctly. After this lesson you will also be able to give the correct value of a group of coins. Curriculum Standard: 1.1.1.n. count the value of a set of coins up to fifty cents. NETS·S: 2. Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities. (1, 3)

3 Directions Use the buttons to move through the lesson and take a quiz. To move to the next page use To move back to the last page use To go to the menu use To take the quiz use To come back to the directions page use

4 Main Menu Pennies Nickels Dimes Counting sets of coins

5 Penny This is a penny… A penny is made of copper, so it is copper colored. A penny is worth 1 cent. This can also be written $0.01 or 1.

6 Counting Pennies To count pennies, just count by ones. 1 … 2 … 3 … So this value would be 3.

7 Nickel This is a nickel… A nickel is silver and it is larger than a penny. A nickel is worth 5 cents. This can also be written $0.05 or 5.

8 Counting Nickels To count nickels, just count by fives. 5 … 10 … 15 … 20 So this value would be 20.

9 Dime This is a dime… A dime is silver and it is smaller than a penny and a nickel. A dime is worth 10 cents. This can also be written $0.10 or 10.

10 Counting Dimes To count dimes, just count by tens. 10 … 20 … 30 So this value would be 30.

11 Counting a group of coins… When you have a group of coins, start counting the largest valued coins first. So count dimes, nickels, then pennies…

12 Practice To count these coins, start with the dime, then the nickel, and then the penny. So this value would be 16. 10 … 15 … 16

13 Lets practice one more time… This value would be… 10, 20, 25, 26, 27 … 27.

14 So we have learned… …to identify and count pennies, nickels, and dimes. …to count of group of coins with different values. Are you ready to take the quiz? Yes, take the quiz. No, go back to the lesson.

15 Quiz Read the question and all of the answers before you choose your answer. What is the value of three nickels? A.33 B.1515 C.3030 D.None of theseNone of these

16 Great Job!!!

17 Oops… Try Again!

18 Quiz Read the question and all of the answers before you choose your answer. Which is the correct way to write the value of a penny? A.1010 B.$0.001$0.001 C.$0.01$0.01 D.$0.1$0.1

19 Great Job!!!

20 Oops… Try Again!

21 Quiz Read the question and all of the answers before you choose your answer. What is the value of this group of coins? A.55 B.2525 C.2222 D.2727

22 Great Job!!!

23 Oops… Try Again!

24 Quiz Read the question and all of the answers before you choose your answer. What is the value of this group of coins? A.2626 B.2020 C.4040 D.1616

25 Great Job!!!

26 Oops… Try Again!

27 Resources Information from… McGraw-Hill 1st Grade Math Book Images from… Microsoft Office Clip Art Discovery School Clip Art

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