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Lab Report Writing Our 1st Real Lab!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Report Writing Our 1st Real Lab!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Report Writing Our 1st Real Lab!!!

2 Title: A brief, concise, yet descriptive title Today’s Title: Solving a Problem with a Scientific Method

3 Statement of the Problem:
What question(s) are you trying to answer? Include any preliminary observations or background information about the subject. Question: Do the flasks contain the same liquid?

4 Hypothesis: Write a possible solution for the problem.
Make sure this possible solution is a complete sentence. Make sure the statement is testable. Hypothesis: If the liquids are the same, then they should have the same reactions under the same circumstances.

5 Materials: Make a list of ALL items used in the lab. Materials:
Flasks Beaker Fluid A Fluid B Rubber Stopper Paper towels

6 Procedure: Write a paragraph (complete sentences) which explains what you will do (or did) in the lab. This might also be written in a list of steps, like a cookbook. Your procedure should be written so that anyone else could repeat the experiment.

7 Our Procedure: Observe the liquid without touching the flasks. Note observations Using two hands, shake flasks, taking care to ensure the stopper does not come out. Note observations. Pour fluid from Flask B to equal the amount in Flask A. Repeat step 2.

8 Draw a picture of your setup

9 Results (Data): This section should include any data tables, observations, or additional notes you make during the lab. You may attach a separate sheet(s) if necessary. All tables, graphs and charts should be labeled appropriately.

10 Data First Observations w/ no touching Similarities Differences
List what is the same List what is different Second Observations w/ shaking Similarities Differences List what is the same List what is different Third Observations w/ equal amounts of liquid and shaking Similarities Differences List what is the same List what is different

11 Analysis Use words to describe what the data tables, and/or charts show us. Short and sweet what’s the bottom line?

12 Conclusions: Accept or reject your hypothesis. EXPLAIN why you accepted or rejected your hypothesis using data from the lab. Include a summary of the experiment, data- averages, highest, lowest, etc. to help the reader understand your results. List one thing you learned and describe how it applies to a real-life situation. Discuss possible errors that could have occurred in the collection of the data ( experimental errors)

13 HOME work…ha! After the movie, write a paragraph describing your solutions or ideas to slow the changing of our planet. Base your ideas on information provided in the movie. Factcheck: locate 2 sources of information that back up information presented in the video. More for extra credit!

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