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Intro to the Human Body.

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1 Intro to the Human Body

2 What is “anatomy”? Anatomy is the study of a structure of a living thing and its relationship to the structure near it it is how things are built Macroscopic: can be seen by the naked eye Microscopic: cannot be seen by the naked eye think cells

3 What is “physiology”? Physiology is the study of how specific anatomical structures function this is mostly on the microscopic level

4 How are anatomy and physiology related?
It is important to realize that structure (anatomy) determines the function (physiology) Example: the heart has many chambers and it is extremely muscular. It is because of these characteristics that enable the heart to perform its function (pumping and circulating blood)

5 How is the human body organized?

6 In this class, we will be integrating all levels of organization, but mostly with the organ system portion. We will now get a brief overview of the different organ systems will be dealing with this year! (Now is the time to get excited!)

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