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The 5 Elements of Culture

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 Elements of Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5 Elements of Culture
Social organization Language/Literature/Arts Religion Government Economic systems

2 5 Elements of Culture 1. Social Organization. Family/Clans
Religious groups Social classes Occupations Interest groups

3 5 Elements of Culture 2. Language/Literature/Arts: Communication and passing on traditions and beliefs.

4 5 Elements of Culture 3. Religion: Examples?
Monotheism: belief in one god Polytheism: belief in more than one god Atheism: Belief in no god

5 5 Elements of Culture 4. Government Providing for common needs.
Most Common Types of Government?

6 Democracy Fair elections. Constitution/rule book.
Norms—Informal agreements (loyal opposition, critical media etc.).

7 Authoritarianism—No political freedom. Rule by corruption and violence.

8 Theocracy—Rule by religious leaders
Theocracy—Rule by religious leaders. Opposition to government = opposition to God. Modern Examples?

9 5 Elements of Culture 5. Economic Systems
Hunter/Gatherer – Following animals and gathering wild plants. Pros and cons?

10 5 Elements of Culture 5. Economic Systems
Market – Individuals make economic decisions. Supply and demand set prices for goods and services. Pros and cons?

11 5 Elements of Culture 5. Economic Systems
Command – Government controls production + sets prices for goods and services. Pros and cons?

12 Form of government (double check with Freedom House web site)
Poster: Pick a Country in Latin America, Africa or the Middle East. Bullet points showing that you understand the categories + illustrations. Everyone work on individual panels, sign them, then put them onto the board on presentation day. 5 Themes of Geography Location (absolute and relative) Place (physical and human characteristics) Regions (formal, perceptual) Movement (ideas, goods, and people moving into and out of the area) Human-environment interaction 5 Elements of Culture Social organization Language/Literature Religion Form of government (double check with Freedom House web site) Economic systems

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