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Intro to: Muscle Notes Vocabulary.

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1 Intro to: Muscle Notes Vocabulary

2 Concussion Essay On a sheet of paper or using one of the available laptops write an essay about the movie concussion, must include response about the following: Review the movie. Whether you think it was an accurate portrayal of the events. What surprised you. Any questions you have after watching it. What are your thoughts about how the NFL handled everything? Do you think they knew about it beforehand? If so how long? Should anything be changed about football? What did you learn about CTE/what more would you like to know about CTE? What do you think should/will happen with college/professional football? What about youth football? Would you let your child play football? why/why not?

3 Axes Uniaxial- Biaxial- Tiaxial- Having only one axis of rotation Ex:
having two axes of Rotation Ex: Tiaxial- having three axes of Rotation Ex:

4 Warm-Up What do you know about muscles?

5 Origin the attachment site of a muscle that is the fixed or less mobile site; usually the proximal attachment Bone--> Tendon--> Muscle--> Tendon--> Bone

6 Insertion the attachment site of a muscle that is the movable site; usually the distal attachment

7 Action Movement cause by the concentric (shortening) contraction on the muscle

8 Muscles

9 Why is it important/beneficial to learn the major muscles in the body?
Warm-Up Why is it important/beneficial to learn the major muscles in the body? Grab 1 laptop per table

10 Tibialis Anterior pg 93 O: Lateral Condyle Tibia
I: Base of 1st Metatersal, Medial Cuneiform A: Dorsiflexion, assists in Inversion of Foot

11 Extensor Digitorum Longus pg.93
O: Lat. Condyle of Tib. I: Dorsal surface of Phalanges A: Extends Phalanges of Lat 4 Toes

12 Peroneus Longus (Goes behind Lat malleolus) pg.93, 95
O: Lat condyle Tibia & Lat Fibula I: Base of 1st Metatarsal, Medial Cuneiform A: Everts and assists with Plantar Flex. of Ft.

13 Peroneus Brevis (Goes behind Lat Malleolus) pg.93, 95
O: Distal Lat. Fibula I: Base of 5th Metatarsal A: Everts and assists with Plantar Flex. of Ft

14 Peroneus Tertius pg.93 O: Distal Ant Fib. I: Base of 5th Metatarsal
A: Dorsiflex Ankle and Evert Ft.

15 Warm-Up What is the best way for you to remember/learn the muscles?

16 Review Which muscle attachment site is usually movable?
What is the insertion of the tib anterior What is the collective action of the peroneals? What is the insertion of the peroneus longus? What is the action of the extensor digitorum?

17 Tibialis Posterior pg.95 O: Lat./Post Tib., Med Fib
I: Navicular & Cuneiforms  A: Inverts & Plantar flexes ankle

18 Flexor Digitorum Longus
O: posterior surface of the tibia I: Plantar surface base of distal phalanges A: Flexion of four smaller digits

19 Flexor hallicus longus
O: Posterior Fibula I: plantar surface of base of distal phalanx of hallux A: Flexes all joints of great toe, plantar flex ankle joint

20 Soleus pg.93, 95 O: Post. Tib/Fib I: Post Calcaneus
A: Plantar Flex ankle

21 Gastrocnemius pg. 93, 95, 91 O: Med & Lat Condyle of Fem.
I: Post Calcaneus A: Plantar Flex Ankle, as. in Knee Flex

22 Warm-Up After the 1st quiz: What helped you learn the muscles?
What do you think you should change going forward for the rest of the unit? What can I do to better help you learn the muscles?


24 Rectus Femoris pg.89, 69 O: Ant. Ilium (AIIS)
I: Quad. Tendon-Patella-Pat Tend-Tib. Tuberosity A: Extends Knee, Flex. Hip

25 Vastus Lateralis pg.89 O: Greater Trochanter & Lat. Femur
I:   Quad. Tendon-Patella-Pat Tend-Tib. Tuberosity A: Extends Knee

26 Vastus Intermedius pg.89 O: Ant. Femur
I:  Quad. Tendon-Patella-Pat Tend-Tib. Tuberosity A: Extends Knee

27 Vastus Medialis pg.89 O: Med. Femur
I:  Quad. Tendon-Patella-Pat Tend-Tib. Tuberosity A: Extends Knee

28 Sartorius pg.89, 69, 91 O: ASIS ( Ant. Superior Iliac Spine)
I: Prox. Med. Tib. A: Flex, Ext Rotate, and Abduct Hip also Flex Knee

29 Warm-Up Between the quads and hamstrings which muscle group has to work harder? Why?

30 Review

31 Biceps Femoris pg.89, 93, 91 O: Ischial Tuberosity I: Fib. Head
A: Flex Knee & Ext. Hip

32 Semitendinosus pg.89, 93, 91 O: Ischial Tuberosity I: Prox, Med Tib.
A: Flex Knee & Ext. Hip

33 Semimembranosus pg.89, 93, 91 O: Ischial Tuberosity
I: Med. Condyle of Tib. A: Flex Knee & Ext. Hip

34 Tensor Fasciae Latae pg.89, 69
O: Ant. Iliac Crest & ASIS I: Into Iliotibial Tract- ITB inserts on Lat. Tib. Tuberosity A: Flex, Int. Rot. Abd. Hip

35 Adductor Longus pg.89, 69 O: Pubis/ Pubic Symphysis
I: Mid. Linea Aspera A: Adducts Hip

36 Warm-Up After first 2 quizzes of muscles:
What should I do differently to help you learn them? What should you do differently to learn them better Or if you’ve crushed both quizzes then keep doing what youre doing.

37 Big Review of 1st 20 Tib anterior: insertion, action
Peroneus longus: insertion, action Difference between peroneus tertius and brevis w/ insertion and action? 3 muscles that run beneath medial malleolus Difference between gastroc and soleus 4 quads: what is same with all of them/special about rectus 3 hamstrings Sartorius: O, A

38 Gracilis O: ischiopubic ramus I: proximal med tibia
A: hip adduction; knee flexion

39 Iliacus pg.89, 69 O: Iliac fossa of Ilium. I: Tendon of Psoas Major
A: Flex hip w/ Psoas Major (together call Iliopsoas)

40 Psoas Major pg.89, 69 O: Transverse process of all lumbar vertebrae
I: Lesser Trochanter of Femur A: Flex. Hip w/ Iliacus (together call Iliopsoas)

41 Gluteus Medius pg. 89, 69, 73, 91 O: External surface of Ilium
I: Greater Trochanter A: Abd Hip (major stabilizer in walking)

42 Gluteus Maximus pg.91, 73 O: Ilium, Sacrum, Coccyx
I: ITB & Post. Femur A: Extend Hip

43 Warm-Up What core muscles do you know? Why are they important?

44 Review Glut max: O: A: Glut medius: I: A:
What 2 muscles make up the iliopsoas? What is their action and where do they insert? Gracilis: I: A:

45 Rectus Abdominus pg.69 O: Pubic crest & Symphysis
I: Costalcartilage & Xiphoid Process A: Flexes Vertebral Column

46 Quadratus Lumborum pg 71 O: Iliac Crest
I: Last rib and transverse process of L1-L4 A: Extension and lateral flexion of the vertebral column

47 Erector Spinae pg 73,77-B, K, H O-I:Runs from Cervical to lumbar spine
A: Extension of the spine

48 Internal Oblique & External Oblique pg 69,71
Flex Vertebral column (bilaterally) Laterally flex Vertebral Colum (unilaterally) Rotate Vertebral Colum (unilaterally)

49 Latissimus Dorsi pg.69, 73, 83 O: Spinous process T6-S5, Iliac crest and Lower 4 ribs I: Lesser tubercle of Humerus A: Ext & Add Humerus

50 Warm-Up How did class on Friday go?

51 Trapezius pg.73, 75, 69 O: Base of Skull & Spinous process of C1-T12
I: Post. Clavicle, Acromion process, Spine of Scapula A: Elevates & Depresses Scap., Draws head to same side, Turns face to opposite side

52 Rhomboid Major pg.73, 83, 75 O: T2-T5 Spinous process
I: Med. boarder of Scapula A: Add. & Elevates Scap.

53 Pectoralis Major pg.69, 83 O: Med. Clavicle, & Lat. Sternum
I: Greater tubercle A: Add. & Flex. Humerus

54 Pectoralis Minor pg.83, 75 O: Outer surface of ribs 3-5
I: Coracoid process of Scap. A: Depresses Scap.

55 Serratus Anterior pg.69, 73, 83, 75 O: Outer surface of ribs 1-8
I: Med. Boarder of Scap. A: Draws Scap. Forward

56 Deltoid (Ant, Mid, Post) pg.69, 73, 83, 75
O:Ant. Clavicle, Acromion, Scap. Spine I: Deltoid Tuberosity of Humerus A: Ant.- Flex., Mid.- Abd., Post.- Ext of Humerus

57 Supraspinatus pg.73, 83 O: Supraspinous Fossa of Scap.
I: Greater Tubercle of Humerus A: Initiates Abd, Stabilizes Head of Hum. in Jt.

58 Infraspinatus pg.73, 83, 75 O: Infraspinous Fossa of Scap.
I: Lesser Tubercle of Humerus A: Externally Rotate Hum.

59 Subscapularis pg.83 O: Subscapular Fossa of Scap.
I: Lesser Tubercle of Hum. A: Int. Rot. Hum.

60 Teres Minor pg.83, 75 O: Lat. Border of Scap. I: Greater Tub. of Hum.
A: Ext. Rot. Hum.


62 Teres Major pg.69, 83, 75 O: Inf. Angle of Scap.
I: Below Lesser Tub. of Hum. A: Add., Ext. Hum.

63 Biceps Brachii pg.87, 85, 83, 69 O: Short head- coracoid process of the Scap Long head- glenoid fossa of scap I: Radial tuberosity A: Flex. Elbow, supinates forearm

64 Triceps Brachii pg.87, 85, 83, 73 O: Lat. Scap. and post hum.
I: Olecranon process of ulna A: Extension of elbow

65 Brachioradialis pg.87, 85 O: Distal Lat Hum.
I: Styloid process of radius A: Flex. Elbow, assists w/ pronation and supination

66 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris pg.87
O: Lat. Epicondyle I: base of 5th metacarpal A: Ext. and Add. wrist

67 Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus pg.87
O: Distal, Lat. Hum. I: Dorsal surface of 2nd metacarpal A: Ext. and Abd. Wrist

68 Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis pg.87
O: Lat Epicondyle and Radial Collateral lig. of Elbow I: Dorsal surface of 3rd metacarpal A: Extends, and assists w/ Abd. of Wrist

69 Palmaris Longus pg.87 O: Med epicondyle of Hum. I: Flexor retinaculum
A: Flex wrist

70 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris pg.87
O: Med. Epicondyle of Hum. I: Med. Carpals, and 5th metacarpal A: Flex and Add. Wrist

71 Flexor Carpi Radialis pg.87
O: Med. Epicondyle of Hum. I: Base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal A: Flex and Abd. Wrist

72 Extensor Digitorum pg.87 O: Lat. Epicondyle of Hum.
I: Dorsal surface of the middle and distal phalanges A: Extends phalanges 2-5

73 Flexor Digitorum Superficialis pg.87
O: Med. Epicondyle of Hum. I: 4 tendons into sides of middle phalanges 2-5 A: Flexes the Promimal Interphalangeal (PIP) jts.

74 Flexor Digitorum Profundus pg.87
O: Ant, Med, Proximal Ulna I: 4 Tendons into base of Distal Phalanges A: Flex. Distal Interphalangal jt.

75 Field Trip With your table: For next year:
favorite 3 parts of the field trip Least favorite part of the field trip Anything you wish we would have done or done differently For next year: Where would you like to go? Keep it local What would you like to do?

76 Warm-Up How do you feel the muscle unit has gone? What would you have changed? Either for how you went through it or what I could do differently.

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