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Subject pronouns CORRECT: I, you, he, she, it, we, they (They/Them) are reading a book. (Her/She) is my favorite protagonist of all time. (We/Us) will.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject pronouns CORRECT: I, you, he, she, it, we, they (They/Them) are reading a book. (Her/She) is my favorite protagonist of all time. (We/Us) will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject pronouns CORRECT: I, you, he, she, it, we, they (They/Them) are reading a book. (Her/She) is my favorite protagonist of all time. (We/Us) will have a great discussion today.

2 Subject pronouns Hint: Pronoun is doing something aka it is the subject/doer. They are reading a book. They are? Them are? She is my favorite protagonist of all time. Her is? She is? We will have a great discussion today. We will? Us will?

3 “I” vs.“Me” Grammar Video

4 Practice You can give the money to Jake or _____.
Peter Pan gave his sword to Tinker bell and ______. My sister and ______ went to the park. The surprise was thrown for _______. Monica and ____went shopping yesterday.

5 Practice You can give the money to Jake or _____.
Peter Pan gave his sword to Tinker bell and ______. My sister and ______ went to the park. The surprise was thrown for _______. Monica and ____went shopping yesterday. me me I me I

6 Objective Case Pronouns
Me It You Us Him Them Her

7 DIRECT OBJECT of a sentence
Direct Object: tells who/what receives the action of the verb The teacher chose several books for the Literature Circles. (chose what?) Which students were given a treat? (were given what?) I love Suzanne Collins! (love whom?)

8 pronouns used as the DIRECT OBJECT of a sentence
Direct Object: tells who/what receives the action of the verb The teacher chose them for the Literature Circles. (chose whom?) Which students were given it? (were given what?) I love her! (love whom?)

9 object pronouns Direct Object: tells who/what receives the action of the verb CORRECT: me, him, her, you, it, us, them The loud noise distracted (they/them). The librarian suggested it to the girl. My book really scared (me/I)! WRONG: I, he, she, we, they

10 You Turn! Pass down book. Turn to page 183. Gently tear out page. Pass back book. Back row person return book near TV stand.

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