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Protestant Reformation

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1 Protestant Reformation
Vocab words

2 Reformation A reform (change) movement of Western Christianity

3 Indulgence A grant by the pope to lessen the time spent in purgatory due, in order to absolve (declare free from blame, guilt, or responsibility) sins

4 purgatory In Catholic teaching purgatory was a place that souls went before entering heaven

5 church A Christian place of worship

6 catholic The first branch of Christianity that observes the pope as their holy leader

7 thesis A proposition state or put forward for consideration, especially one to be discussed and proved. Martin Luther hung 95 theses on the church wall in Wittenburg, Germany, revealing what he believed to be the corruptions of the Catholic Church

8 Protestants Those who sided with Martin Luther (see above) and protested against the Catholic Church

9 Catholic Reformation The efforts by the Catholic church to make changes or reform the Catholic Church

10 Jesuits A Catholic religious order that had the goal of spreading Catholic ideas in order to turn people against Protestants and win back Catholics in Europe

11 missionaries A person sent on a religious mission, typically to promote Christianity in a foreign country

12 Thirty Years’ War A religious war between Protestants and Catholics in Europe

13 Treaty of Westphalia An agreement after the Thirty Years’ War allowing rulers of countries to decide for themselves if they would be Protestant or Catholic

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