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Family/Individual Health

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Presentation on theme: "Family/Individual Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Family/Individual Health

2 Responsibility Provide food, clothing, shelter, education, etc
Provide protection from harm Emotional, social, and intellectual upbringing

3 Set Limits Establish clear set of rules Self-directed Need to:
Make correct decisions when adults aren’t around Need to: Act quickly Be consistent Distinguish between action and child Praise positive behavior

4 Provide Guidance and Values
Set good examples Skills to get along and handle problems Develop a sense of pride in their work

5 Unconditional Love Express love to children often
Encourage with words, letters, hugs, and facial expressions Spend time

6 Family/Individual Health

7 Objectives Describe the physical and emotional aspects of maturity
Summarize the 4 developmental tasks of adulthood

8 Physical Maturity Body and all organs are all developed
Won’t grow any taller Early 20’s

9 Emotional Maturity Mental and emotionally capabilities fully developed
Independence and establish relationships major part Personal ID and self acceptance Strong goals and values

10 Developmental Tasks Lesson a adult must learn to grow
Need to reach certain tasks to reach emotional maturity Occupational role Individual identity and independences Intimate relationships Place in society

11 Occupational Role Choice Dream for the future Doesn’t need to be final

12 Self-Actualization Independent identity
Develop capacities to the fullest Leaving home and starting full-time job starts the path Become more self-sufficient

13 Intimate Relationships
Building close relationships with both genders Experience a caring, loving relationship with another person

14 In Society How you fit into society Political ideas Religious views
Sense of community

15 Why Marry? “in love” May not know actual reason that is driving them

16 Marital Adjustment Agree on critical issues in relationship
Share interests and activities Demonstrate affection Have few complaints about marriage Don’t feel lonely or irritable Close before marriage

17 Teen Marriage Excitement wears off and responsibility increases
Forced to marry because of pregnancy Choose who they marry before who they know who they are

18 Conflict in Marriage Resolve conflict w/o damage to other- strong marriage Common problems MONEY Friends and family Sex problems Lack of attention Housework Decisions about children

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