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A Wrinkle in Time Chapter 1 Click here.

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Presentation on theme: "A Wrinkle in Time Chapter 1 Click here."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Wrinkle in Time Chapter 1 Click here

2 I. Science Fiction- genre of fiction in which the stories often tell about science and technology of the future II. Fantasy- genre that uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot

3 Think-Pair-Share Turn to your partner. What elements identify A Wrinkle in Time as science fiction?

4 III. Theme- underlying central idea or generalization it communicates about life A. expresses the author’s opinion B. raises questions about human nature C. meaning of human experience

5 Check for Understanding and Guide Practice
With your group come up with a theme that you might find in a book, story, or movie. How would you plan a party around that theme? Example: Choose a theme we might find in a book? What decorations might we have? What music might we listen to? What movies might we watch? Food?

6 Closure Parking Lot- Take a post-it note and answer the question. After you are finished, write your name on it and stick it to the write board. In your own words, define theme? Homework: Read Chapter 2

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