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S.E.E. method of Paragraph Development

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1 S.E.E. method of Paragraph Development

2 S = Statement Otherwise called your topic sentence, this sentence will make a statement about what your paragraph is going to be about. Kind of like what a book title is to book, a chapter title is to a chapter

3 E=Example This is where you start to support your topic sentence. *Sometimes you may need to add more to your topic sentence to clarify your idea, make an exception, etc. Your evidence/example should be appropriate and relevant to the writing task and specific. If you’re required to use outside sourced for your essay, that evidence may come from a text, facts, or specific observations.

4 E=Explanation If the evidence you use is dense (facts or statistics or quotations), you might want to explain the importance of your evidence. Then you might need to explain how the paragraph supports your essay, and how the evidence connects with your overall thesis. Lastly, you might decide to move out from the narrow topic to transition to something else or speak more globally as you move into your conclusion.

5 (Statement) My roommate refuses to see the overflowing garbage
(Statement) My roommate refuses to see the overflowing garbage. (Examples) even if I place the can in the middle of the kitchen, she steps over it as she moves to the dining room. (A specific detail) I've even seen her push the garbage down and gingerly place a used paper plate right on top, taking great care that it is nicely balanced. (Even more specific) (explanation) Of course, I usually just give up and take the can down the stairs and out to the smelly dumpster behind the old mattresses. Aside from throwing the garbage can at her and having a fight, I don't know what else to do.

6 (Statement) One of my primary goals is to finish my general education and transfer to CSUB. (Examples of what hasn’t worked) In the past, I have procrastinated with many of my courses at Bakersfield College, so I have had to repeat certain courses – like statistics – among many others. (Example of how I plan to accomplish my goal) However, I plan to organize my time better this semester by using many of the tools on Bakersfield College’s Habits of Mind website. For example, under the habit called “Be Focused,” I found resources on how to manage my time in addition to blank weekly schedules I can fill in with my own schedule.(explanation) I didn’t realize that with a full schedule, I need to commit time to what is important for my academic goals and balance that with work and free time. Organizing my time every day is necessary in order to pass my general education classes and transfer to CSUB.


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