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Literacy Lesson 3 - Grammar Habits.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy Lesson 3 - Grammar Habits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy Lesson 3 - Grammar Habits

2 Write about a wish and/or goal you have for yourself this year.
Writers Notebook

3 To be effective and clear writers, there are certain habits we should develop. These are things we should do automatically and all the time, without having to think too hard about them.

4 Semicolon Used when you want to communicate to your readers that they should read the next sentence as extending the ideas in the previous sentence. E.g. Some people love cold weather; others like it sunny and hot.

5 Comma When: Making a list After an dependant clause
After an introductory phrase When conjunctions are made watch?v=Vv4rD6OyssM (Start to 1min20sec)


7 E.g. We were on our way — but we sure weren’t happy about it.
Dash When you want to change the tone or when you want to set off or emphasize a piece of the sentence. E.g. There’s really only one more thing to do — sweep the garage.

8 Find the missing punctuation in one of the paragraphs below.
Please choose a level that challenges YOU. E1 Jumbled Paragraph E2 Jumbled Paragraph E3 Jumbled Paragraph

9 Punctuation Mix and Match
Looks like When to use it Once you have sorted them out into the correct place, stick them in your english books so that you can refer to them throughout the year.

10 Dot your i’s and cross your t’s.
Literacy - details do matter!

11 ‘There’,‘Their’ & ‘They’re’
THINK: what is the difference? PAIR: with a partner. SHARE: say it in a sentence.

12 ‘Which’ & ‘Witch’ THINK: what is the difference? PAIR: with a partner.
SHARE: write it in a sentence. Which is more commonly used?

13 ‘Whether’ & ‘Weather’ THINK: what is the difference?
PAIR: with a partner. SHARE: put both words in sentence.

14 ‘Principal’ & ‘Principle’
THINK: what is the difference? PAIR: with a partner. SHARE: a strategy to determine the difference.

15 Challenge: in table groups brainstorm as many homophones as you can.
Can you find a homophone with the most syllables?

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