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Learning the Art of Helping Building Blocks and Techniques

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Presentation on theme: "Learning the Art of Helping Building Blocks and Techniques"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning the Art of Helping Building Blocks and Techniques
Helping Applications 2013 Learning the Art of Helping Building Blocks and Techniques With Ed Wohlmuth “…On the shoulders of giants” Presentation adapted and inspired by the writings and teaching of Mark Young, John Sumarah, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Gerald Egan, William Glasser, and others.

2 The brilliant helper is… deeply present.

3 Encountering Another … it’s not about you.
Our anxiety getting in the way of our work…


5 Change … What is possible?

6 Helping Others Choose Change
We are different… … different experiences, history, cultures, ethnicity, gender, age and so many more examples.

7 If we are so different, how can we help others change?

8 Helping: Diversity & Humanity As Resources
“[We were] a little surprised by the Dalai Lama’s seeming resistance to the notion of cultural differences.” Daniel Goleman “What is most personal is most general.” -Carl Rogers It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength Maya Angelou

9 Does change have a path… a process?

10 Changes as Process by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente Resistance
Don’t Acknowledge it, Don’t name it, Don’t plan or act! Readiness/ awareness What’s up? Acknowledge it! What is it? Name it! What do I need to do? Plan! I will do this… Act! I can do this… What’s next?

11 Assessing… the Missing Internal Resource

12 Assessing… the Missing Internal Resource
Supportive Style Person is able, willing and not confident Teaching/ Inspiring Style Unable, willing, not confident Delegating Style Person is able, willing, and confidence Direction style Person is unable, not confident, unwilling Support (Psychological/ emotional presence) Direction Verbal skill use

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