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Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan

2 Constitutional Convention
Set up to correct the areas where Articles of Confederations were thought to be weak First act of the Convention was to name George Washington President Some delegates wanted to amend, change, the Articles of Confederation and other wanted to start from scratch


4 Virginia Plan Create a bicameral or two house National Legislature (Congress) Each state would send representatives to Congress based on the population of their state State with more population would have more voting power Major features: Legislature have the right to tax and regulate foreign and interstate commerce (trade) National Legislature would have the power to veto state laws Executive and Judicial Branch would join the Legislative Branch

5 New Jersey Plan Smaller populated states felt they would have little power under the Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan aimed to keep state government in more power Major Features: Give Congress power to tax and regulate foreign and interstate commerce (trade) Create executive and Judicial Branches Unicameral Congress , one house, where all states had equal votes

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