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Definitions Alliance or Axis Important Dates WWII Home Front $100 $100

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions Alliance or Axis Important Dates WWII Home Front $100 $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions Alliance or Axis Important Dates WWII Home Front $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 Limits on consumption of
food and goods Category 1: $100: A

3 What are rations? Category 1: $100: Q

4 An agreement between two armies to stop fighting; a truce
Category 1: $200: A

5 What is an armistice? Category 1: $200: Q

6 A policy that a nation should avoid
political and economic relationships with other countries Category 1: $300: A

7 What is isolationism? Category 1: $300: Q

8 Material distributed for the purpose
of winning people over to a given doctrine, often without regard to fairness or truth Category 1: $400: A

9 What is propaganda? Category 1: $400: Q

10 An official agreement between
two nations or groups Category 1: $500: A

11 What is a treaty? Category 1: $500: Q

12 Clothing for troops Category 2: $100: A

13 What are uniforms? Category 2: $100: Q

14 used by the armed forces
Name two vehicles used by the armed forces Category 2: $200: A

15 What are ships, trucks, tanks, and airplanes? Category 2: $200: Q

16 Small weapons carried by soldiers
Category 2: $300: A

17 What are grenades, pistols, and rifles?
Category 2: $300: Q

18 Protection from poison gases
Category 2: $400: A

19 What are gas masks? Category 2: $400: Q

20 Large weapons used on land and ships
Category 2: $500: A

21 What are cannons and machine guns?
Category 2: $500: Q

22 This group attended school and took
on many of their mothers’ household tasks Category 3: $100: A

23 Who are the children? Category 3: $100: Q

24 Thousands of people from this group
moved from the south to work in factories Category 3: $200: A

25 Who are the African Americans?
Category 3: $200: Q

26 This group worked in many jobs which were once only open to males.
Category 3: $300: A

27 What are women? Category 3: $300: Q

28 This group also faced prejudice in the North.
Category 3: $400: A

29 Who are the African Americans?
Category 3: $400: Q

30 This group was given the right to vote
because of their contributions to the war effort Category 3: $500: A

31 Who are women? Category 3: $500: Q

32 on the side of the Allies in 1917
This country entered on the side of the Allies in 1917 Category 4: $100: A

33 What is the U.S.? Category 4: $100: Q

34 Allied country fought in WWI
12,000,000 men from this Allied country fought in WWI Category 4: $200: A

35 What is Russia? Category 4: $200: Q

36 This Central Power country had over
11,000,000 troops in WWI Category 4: $300: A

37 What is Germany? Category 4: $300: Q

38 November 11, 1918 Category 4: $400: A

39 When did WWI end? Category 4: $400: Q

40 January 1919 world leaders met in France
Category 4: $500: A

41 What is to the write the Treaty?
Category 4: $500: Q

42 French Palace Category 5: $100: A

43 Where was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
Category 5: $100: Q

44 This country was blamed for the war.
Category 5: $200: A

45 What is Germany? Category 5: $200: Q

46 to all the Allied countries.
This country lost colonies, gave up land, and paid money to all the Allied countries. Category 5: $300: A

47 What is Germany? Category 5: $300: Q

48 solve their problems peacefully and support one another in war.
Nations would try to solve their problems peacefully and support one another in war. Category 5: $400: A

49 What is the purpose of the
League of Nations? Category 5: $400: Q

50 U.S. Senators refused to sign this document
Category 5: $500: A

51 What is the Treaty of Versailles?
Category 5: $500: Q

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