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The Epic Hero and the Quest

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1 The Epic Hero and the Quest

2 Introduction to the Hero
Tales of the hero and the heroic quest occur in every culture. These tales are so similar in form, having the same types of characters, challenges, morals, themes, content etc., they can be described as a monomyth– “the one story”

3 Epic Hero/Heroine Can be male or female
Has a remarkable or unusual birth Is the offspring of a god and a human being (1/2 god—1/2 human) Has qualities of both a mortal and an immortal Often the hero/heroine is unaware of his/her “true parentage” and is raised by foster parents Often shows signs of being special early in life (possesses superhuman strength or supernatural powers)

4 Folk Hero/ Heroine Usually a very ordinary person (male or female)
Often a step-child or a neglected younger child or sibling who is scoffed at by parents and older siblings Does not usually have superhuman abilities; however they are exceptional in other ways—very kind, clever, or resourceful

5 Shared Characteristics
Both mythic and folk heroes/heroines are called upon to participate in an adventure or to face a series of challenges. Both often refuse to accept their calling initially, but suffer greatly as a result of their refusal. Eventually they are forced to accept their role.

6 The Quest The quest is a journey taken in search of something of value, a “prize.” The “prize” can present itself in various forms: The beautiful princess or handsome prince An abstract concept such as the “truth” or the “meaning of life” An actual treasure (gold, jewels, etc.) A magical charm/ potion One’s roots (the parent(s) he/she never knew, self identity, home

7 Characteristics of the Quest
Assistants along the way: Mythic heroes/heroines are often aided in their quest by loyal friends or by a god/goddess mentor Folk heroes/heroines are usually helped by people, animals, or magical beings who are repaying them for good deeds completed earlier. Temptation: The quest does not go smoothly. Obstacles are placed in the path of the hero/heroine in order to tempt him/her to stray from the “true path.” The temptation usually relates to the character’s tragic flaw in some way.

8 Characteristics con’t.
Tragic Flaw: The tragic flaw is a character flaw within the hero/heroine, which causes him/her to falter in the quest. Some common flaws include jealousy, anger, impatience, prejudice, or pride/arrogance. A tragic flaw is NOT a physical impediment.

9 Characteristics con’t.
Structure: Quests almost always include one or more of the following within their plot structure— A descent into the “underworld” (this may actually be a hell-like place or it may simply be a dark, frightening place that ordinary beings would not enter; it could be a “dark place” within the character himself/herself). A sacrifice (this may be a sacrifice of something the hero/heroine loves or values or it could be self-sacrifice—i.e. death; however, it is necessary in order to complete the quest and/or for the overall good of humanity. Reward/ completion of quest (If the hero/heroine is successful in the quest, he/she returns to society with something to share: a new knowledge, a renewed commitment, a greater compassion or wisdom, or the object of the quest—i.e. treasure/magic potion/missing person; often the hero/heroine is rewarded by “living happily ever after.”

10 The Appeal of the Quest The heroic quest is universal because the challenges faced by the hero/heroine are symbolic of the challenges we all must face in life. We may not slay dragons, fight hideous monsters, or travel to the underworld; however, “killing monsters” might represent fighting social injustices or bullies– the “journey to the underworld” might symbolize facing unpleasant realities within our own society. In addition, the tragic flaws of the heroes/heroines are our own tragic flaws—they are the flaws of humanity as a whole, which we have yet to overcome but which still create stumbling blocks in our personal/societal development.

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