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Geography, Characteristics of Civilization, and Fall of the Republic

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Presentation on theme: "Geography, Characteristics of Civilization, and Fall of the Republic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography, Characteristics of Civilization, and Fall of the Republic
Roman Republic Geography, Characteristics of Civilization, and Fall of the Republic

2 Geography How is the location of Rome good for trade? Good for defense?

3 Civilization Government Economy Etruscan Monarchy
Republic 509 BC-27 BC Senate Two consuls Twelve Tables Empire- 27 BC- 476 AD Economy Agriculture and trade Ag 90% Standardized money Good road system Rome slowly conquers other coity- states on the Italian Penninsula.

4 Civilization Religion Society Clear social divisions Polytheistic
Some religious tolerance Society Clear social divisions Patricians and Plebeians… Slaves Debt and POWs 1/3 of population No legal rights Women Social equals, not political

5 Civilization Writing Entertainment Latin Roman Numerals Theater Sports
History Poetry Roman Numerals Entertainment Theater Sports Colosseum Circus Maximus

6 Can you use Roman numerals?
Change the following to Arabic numbers: III VII IX XIV XXI XL CII MM


8 The Punic Wars Carthage: Cause: Course: 3 Wars Results: Hannibal
Cannae Scipio Zama Carthage Results:

9 Social Reforms Problem: gap between rich and landless poor Solutions:
Gracchus Military leaders Julius Caesar-- Form Triumvirate to end civil wars March on Rome, dictator for 10 years! Expand the Senate, extended citizenship Created jobs- public works, established colonies… 44 BC- Dictator for life…. assassinated

10 Rise of Empire Augustus: Form 2nd Triumvirate to end Civil Wars, again
Battle of Actium- defeat Antony and Cleopatra Re-organized the civil service (paid) Decreased power of the Senate over time More building programs Increased army Added territory Expanded citizenship Encouraged trade Chose provincial governors

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