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The Writing Process.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Process

2 Step 1: Prewriting activities done prior to writing to generate and organize ideas Examples: Venn diagram (used to generate ideas for a compare/contrast essay), cluster (used to generate ideas), web, outline (used to organize ideas)

3 Step Two: Drafting Taking ideas from the prewriting phase and creating the first draft of your paper At this stage you do not worry too much about conventions; you will make changes later

4 Step Three: Revising making changes to improve style, word choice, voice, and clarity; at this stage, you do not worry about correcting errors. When revising, you are not correcting errors, but rather making changes to make the writing more appealing and effective.

5 Step Four: Editing making corrections to fix errors in conventions

6 Step Five: Publishing printing the final copy of your paper and giving it to the intended audience Should be typed in black, 12 point, Times New Roman font

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