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Chapter 26 Emiliano Fernandez

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1 Chapter 26 Emiliano Fernandez
Ordinary People Chapter 26 Emiliano Fernandez

2 Quiz 1. Conrad is upset by Karen’s death
2. Conrad remembers when he tried to kill himself 3. The policeman tells Conrad to go home 4. Conrad blames Buck for letting go 5. Conrad goes to see Berger

3 Summary yo This chapter begins with Conrad eating breakfast and being grilled by his grandmother. He is in a good mood from spending last night with Pratt and is looking forward to seeing her again later that night. Conrad later reads in the paper that his old friend has killed herself. Conrad doesn't handle this well and goes to bed without seeing Pratt. Conrad then has dreams about him and his brother trying to survive. and thinks back to his time in the hospital. Conrad disturbed by his dreams goes for a walk early in the morning. He then goes to see Berger to work through his problems. M

4 Literary thingies Flash back “Unforgivable…” pg 217
Idiom “urge to run; he puts it down” 215 Color connotation “yellow curtains at the window” pg 208 Personification “cupboard doors banging loudly” 210

5 Quote “Was it painful? He cannot believe so if it was he would have cried out he would have known it and he could have stopped him he could have said ‘Buck take me with you I don't want to do this alone’.”

6 Discussion questions Conrad believes Buck should have been able to survive,but gave up and submitted to death. Do you think he killed himself because he had given up hope? Conrad shows that he is afraid of relapsing like Karen did, he does so because he believes himself to be weak. Do you think Conrads attempted suicide was good for him in that it proved to himself that he was strong enough to live?

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