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Welcome to Mr. Burger’s ESOL Reading Class

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1 Welcome to Mr. Burger’s ESOL Reading Class

2 Before We Begin… STAND UP!
We are going to try to line ourselves up by birthdate (month and day) in order WITHOUT TALKING OR WRITING IT DOWN. Example – April 1st comes before April 9th Starting from January to December When finished: State your name, birthday, and if you want to share anything else

3 Bell-Ringer 1.) Write down your response to this question: What is something interesting about you that we may not know? 2.) When I say to, turn to your seat partner and share your response with them.

4 A Little About Me

5 Why I Teach? Did not always want to be a teacher High school dropout
Teacher brought me back and changed my life I teach to do the same thing Keep kids from dropping out Inspire kids to be the best they can be

6 My Philosophy of Education
Content should be relevant and relatable. Everybody is smart in their own way Democratic Education – All viewpoints are important and everybody has a say in class. We learn from each other and the real world. I am a facilitator of learning. Importance of self-discovery, independence, and questioning. Role of culture, community, and advocacy.

7 My Goals Positive Classroom Environment Students to increase:
Lexile Milestones Score in Reading To pass the ACCESS Test

8 Cardinal Cash Whenever you are caught doing good things in school, you will be rewarded with Cardinal Cash Do not just ask a teacher for Cardinal Cash This cash can be used for several things Fresh Air Friday, School Store, Celebration Days… When you receive one, write your name in the student area Do not leave them out in the open because some students may steal them

9 6th Grade - Getting to Know You Game
Jenga Activity Rules of Jenga 54 Questions

10 7th Grade & 8th Grade – Getting to Know You
On a piece of computer paper Write your name in big letters Draw five things that describe you (in color) Write about those 5 things on the back of the paper You will present this in front of the class, so think about what you will say What you do will be hung up in the classroom, so be creative!

11 What is something new that you learned about somebody in this class?
Closing What is something new that you learned about somebody in this class?

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