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Gender Differences in Reading Achievement: Biological or Cultural?

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1 Gender Differences in Reading Achievement: Biological or Cultural?
Donna Johnson University of New England EDU 744

2 Biological or Cultural: What’s the issue?
Research has shown a relationship between literacy and success. Girls are outperforming boys in reading and writing on standardized testing. (National Assessment of Education progress (2009)

3 Biological or Cultural: What’s the issue?
According to some studies, boys perceive reading as ‘girly’. Other studies show that boys and girls learn differently because of biological differences in the brain.

4 Biological or Cultural: What’s the issue?
What about motivational issues? How does the media and society affect this?

5 Biological Differences in Gender
Boys’ brains develop at a different order, time, and rate than girls in the areas of the brain that affect language, spatial memory, and motor coordination (Bonomo 2010) Boys differ in hearing, seeing, and smelling Boys like movement, girls are drawn to texture and colors

6 Biological Differences in Gender
Girls hear better than boys which can affect speech discrimination Boys like cooler temperatures in classroom so that they can stay alert; girls like it warmer

7 How can teachers accommodate the genders and their biology?
Set classroom temperatures at 69 degrees Fahrenheit Have a mixture of moving around the room for boys Utilize colder colors (blue, greys, silvers) for boys Move boys closer to instruction because they do not hear as well. Let boys be active in the lesson; let boys play; use manipulatives

8 How can teachers accommodate the genders and their biology?
Girls enjoy group work for socialization Use bolder colors for girls Girls prefer softer voices and enjoy making connection with emotions

9 Cultural Reasons that affect reading achievement in boys
Media portrays successful men as those who only read to solve a problem; not men who enjoy reading The old adage, ‘boys will be boys’ has become acceptable for excusing poor study skills and behaviors

10 Cultural Reasons that affect reading achievement in boys
There are not enough male role models in the teacher field Not enough literature is available that peak boys’ interests

11 How can teachers accommodate cultural differences?
There are differing opinions on how to “fix” the cultural concerns of how boys’ perceive reading. In the article, “The Problem of Boys’ Literacy Underachievement: Raising Some Questions” by Watson, Kehler, and Martino (2010), they believe we shouldn’t cater to the boys’ being victims mentality. Tolerance should be taught to all about how to appreciate our differences.

12 How can teachers accommodate cultural differences?
In the article, “What We Want: Boys and Girls Talk about Reading”, by Robin H. Boltz (2009) she believes: There should be more reading choices available in genres that boys are interested in, such as, comics and informational books. More male teachers should be hired as role models to improve reading achievement Allowing more time to read in school, uninterrupted would help improve achievement of all students.

13 How can teachers accommodate cultural differences?
In the article, “Effects of Technology and Male Teachers on Boys’ Reading” by Soka and Katz (2008) they believe: Technology is perceived as more of a male trait and reading should be allowed on the computer more often More male teachers should be hired so boys have reading role models. There is a need to ‘de-feminize’ reading in boy populations

14 Conclusion All factors in student learning need to be considered when preparing for a lesson.

15 Conclusion Motivation Interest for both boys and girls
More time to read Plenty of texts available Teaching tolerance of our differences Considering biological difference in brain development

16 References Boltz, R. H. (2009). What We Want; Boys and Girls Talk about Reading. American Association of School Librarians. Bonomo, V. (2010). Gender Matters in Elementary Education. Educational Horizons, Sokal, L., & Katz, H. (2008). Effects of Techology and Male Teachers on Boys' Reading. Australian Journal of Education, Watson, A., Kehler, M., & Martino, W. (2010). The Problem of Boys' Literacy Underachievement: Raising Some Questions. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Clipart is all from free sites for educational purposes

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