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The Cold War IB HOTA.

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1 The Cold War IB HOTA

2 Topic #5 ~ The Cold War Origins of the Cold War Nature of the Cold War
~ Ideological Differences, mutual suspicion and fear, wartime allies to enemies Nature of the Cold War Ideological Opposition, Superpowers spheres of influence, alliances and diplomacy in the Cold War Development and impact of the Cold War Global spread from its European origin, Cold War policies of containment, brinkmanship, peaceful coexistence, détente, role of significant leaders, arms race, proliferation, and limitation, social structure and economic impact End of the Cold War Break up of the Soviet Union, breakdown of Soviet control over Central and E. Europe

3 Cold War Long Term Overview
1941 – 45: Co-operation in WWII ~ USA & USSR work together to defeat Germany 1946 – 53: The First Cold War ~ disagreements between USA & USSR over Germany & E. Europe and the developing nuclear arms race lead to growing tensions 1954 – 68: Fluctuating Relations: Relations between the two superpowers go through a period of antagonism and retreat 1969 – 79: Détente: Period in which the USA & USSR reach several agreements in an effort to avoid a war 1979 – 85: Second Cold War: Relations decline again over developments in the Developing World and nuclear weapons although a stalemate is reached 1985 – 91 Final Stages of the Cold War: A New period of co- operation, ending with the break – up of the Soviet Union

4 What is a Cold War??? Term used to describe the tension between the USA & USSR between 1945 & & Term was popularized by US journalist Walter Lippmann in 50 year struggle between two rival states – US vs. USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and their allies: West vs. East…2 remaining superpowers after WWII The two main protagonist never actually fought each other directly (did drive economic & foreign policy) Contest developed between the two (not always scene as a contest between equals)


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