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Operations and Release Working Group

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1 Operations and Release Working Group
10 April 2019 Stephen J Winnie

2 Agenda Item Description Who Time 1. Tea and coffee All 09:30-10:00 2.
Welcome and introduction Objectives for the day Stephen Winnie 10:00-10:15 3. MOSL updates Release Schedule Maintenance Schedule 2019 10:15-11:30 Break 11:30 – 11:45 4. Workshop Data issues Syntax errors ID violations Invalid meter exchanges Duplicate message requests 11:45 – 12:30 Lunch 12:30-13:15 5. Update on consultation on Release Schedule 6.0 test plan CMOS ops calls TP issues 13:15–14:30 6. AOB and Wrap up. Meeting Close. 14:30 – 15:00

3 Release Management

4 Release Management – R6.0 CPW025 TCORRs to be applied to DEREG SPIDs
CPW038 Tariff Report Updates – standing data CPW040 NAPS report extension – columns for submitted transactions CPW042/DCP005 Reads MDS - add reread flag CPW053 – MO Transaction processing and reporting – non CMOS affecting Functionality scope declared and confirmed Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 31 July 2018 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 September 2018 MPS_2 deployment 19 April 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 10 May 2019 (plus one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 17 May 2019

5 Release Management – R6.5 CPW047/DCP006: Meter Networks for Sub meter WHL  CPW050 / DCP Long Unread meter report updates (new cols to show last non-estimated read) CPW057  Improving the Transparency of Guarantee Credit Arrangements  CPM013   Adding the Customer Rep as a Voting Panel Member  DCP016  Early deployment of CPW047 requested by Panel, then CPW050 requested Consultation issued to Industry Must have no impact on 6.0 or 7.0 Would be between 6.0 and 7.0 MPS_2 deployment 28 June 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 19 July 2019 (plus one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 26 July 2019

6 Release Management – R7.0 NCC003 - EFD of the Deregistration on LVI
NCC004 - EFD of the Vacancy on LVI NCC005 - ETD of the SC on LVI CPW056 / DCP018 / PIP004 - SPD Cascade Erasure XSD consistency Non CMOS changes DCP019 - Provision of Credit assessment score evaluation changes –September 2019 DCP020 – Unsecured Credit Allowance on payment history–September 2019 RFI for Retailer notifications is issued Tuesday 12 February Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 28 February 2019 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 April 2019 MPS_2 deployment 04 October 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 25 October 2019 (plus one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 08 November 2019 (moved to avoid Settlement runs)

7 Release Management – R8.0 DCP024 / PIP008 - Notifications for Retailers prior to T103.R submission DCP024 / PIP008 data initialisation Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 31 July 2019 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 September 2019 MPS_2 deployment 17 April 2020 for TP testing TP testing to complete 08 May 2020 (plus one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 15 May 2020

8 Release Management – R9.0 Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 28 February 2020 Ofwat approval of CPW content 01 May 2020 MPS_2 deployment 02 October 2020 for TP testing TP testing to complete 23 October 2020 (plus one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 6 November 2020 (avoid Settlement runs)

9 Systems Code versions System Version as from date PRD 5.0.6(39111)
29/03/2019 MPS 02/04/2019 MPS_2 21/03/2019

10 RF – Plan

11 RF Settlement run Required to run backlog of RF in sequence
March 2017, April 2017, May 2917 etc Panel recommended to delay the double running – March has one RF, then 2 per month starting in April. First run of March 2017 period processed. Delay in publication Follow up of second run of March 2017 period due 27 February to allow correction of any inaccuracies etc April 2017 period and beyond will be run as per the plan.

12 RF Settlement run Invoice period Month RF run originally due to be run in Month RF run to be run in Proposed G read execution date Proposed RF execution date Proposed RF publication date Apr-17 September March May-17 October April 2019 Jun-17 November Jul-17 December May 2019 Aug-17 January Sep-17 February June 2019 Oct-17 March has one RF, then 2 per month starting in April.

13 RF Settlement run Nov-17 April 2019 July 2019 02-07-19 03-07-19
Dec-17 May 2019 Jan-18 June 2019 August 2019 Feb-18 Mar-18 September Apr-18 May-18 October

14 Maintenance Schedule 2019 Published on MOSL website
Quarterly January April ** 19th & 22nd Bank Holiday ** Tuesday 22/01/2019 Tuesday 16/04/2019 PRE PROD Saturday 09/02/2019 Saturday 27/04/2018 PROD July October Tuesday 16/07/2019 Tuesday 12/10/2019 Saturday 27/07/2018 Saturday 23/11/2019 Tuesday 21/01/2020 Saturday 08/02/2020 Published on MOSL website CMOS/Training/MOSL Guidance

15 Break

16 Workshop – Data issues

17 TP Data Issues Transaction syntax errors
T132.R – SIC code not included in the transaction 3 Castle-R, 88 for EVERFLOW-R, 30 SOUTHSTAFF-R, 6 for SOUTHWEST-R and 1 for GREENKING-R. ID violations - multiple use of Data Transaction Reference Numbers 336 UNITED-W, 147 for SEVERN-R T181.W submitted to dissociate a meter from a SPID where the meter that has already been removed UNITED-W Duplicate T117.W – submission of batches of transactions that have already been processed. 5 ANGLIAN-W Duplicate T105.W 1 YORKSHIRE-W

18 Non Code Change (NCC)

19 NCC Process Non-Code Change Process
Allows changes to CMOS or MOSL systems to be requested and considered Sharepoint location for submitting change requests MOSL EXTRANET / Non Code change Requests tracker ed confirmations of receipt Tracker Form of status Run consultations as per Code change CPs Submit to Panel if/when funding is required

20 NCC Tracker ID Request title Date submitted NCC Ref Category
Trading party submitted Name Describe the issue Summary of change request Status Target Release 8 MVI Peek and Dequeue extract improvements 28/12/2018 008 MVI Portsmouth Water Quentin Gallagher The recently introduced Peek and De-Queue, Expanded Notifications are not presented in a readable or searchable form, nor are they grouped by Transaction, which obliges us to export the data into an external program. This area does not provide an improvement on the LVI Notifications Portal. Currently we need to export the output from the portal in an xml format to an external program of our own design, so that it can be re-ordered and filtered for efficient use, and also so that all pertinent information can be easily seen and actioned. The proposed Change would provide the information in the required format at source, allowing the Wholesale Service Desk to action it without the need for us to perform further processing of the data. The requirement is best articulated by referring to the documents accompanying this Change Proposal, which demonstrate how the output is turned into a more usable format. Review 7 BTD to show only specific transaction 19/12/2018 007 LVI MOSL Stephen J Winnie When open the BTD in Business Transactions, show only the specific transaction that is subject to the drill down and not the whole Document. Where a transaction has been submitted via an HVI Document, the drill down to the BTD shows all transactions on the document and not the single specific transaction relevant to the BTD step. When the XML is displayed on the portal, the single transaction only should be shown. Alternatively, render the single transaction XML into a display table that shows field labels rather than XML tags The proposal is to display only the XML relevant to the selected transaction. Alternatively render a screen that shows field labels and content rather than the XML tags that may be difficult to interpret. This will ensure relevant details are not missed and improve time spent on querying the content of the transaction. 6 Market Operator Portal: Segregation of Notifications by environment 10/12/2018 006 Portsmouth Water use the new MOSL Market Operator Portal, Peek and De-queue facility to receive Notifications. Both Production and MPS2 Notifications follow the same route, which is inconvenient for both business users and testers. A means of choosing between Production and other environment transactions is required. This seeks to address the mixing of Production and Test transactions, which is detrimental to both business and testing personnel, by means of a drop-down environment selector Open March 2019 5 SC ETD Date column added to SC page 12/11/2018 005 BUSSTREAM-R Trevor Nelson Tariff Code related data can easily be misinterpreted when looking at low volume interface where tariffs have been removed or at least an end date set to a date in the past, and will affect all such instances. This includes cases where Service Components were erroneously setup at market opening and have been subsequently removed. The likely consequence of this is that customers will be charged for services they are not liable for The proposal is to add an Effective To Date under the Service Component menu so that, when viewed or queried, it would be obvious which services are currently active. CMOS 7.0 3 Deregistration Effective From Date 30/10/2018 003 Stephen J WInnie When a SPID is Deregistered the SPID, the date from which it became Deregistered is not shown on the Core SPID screen. Add the Effective From Date of the Deregistration to the right of the code. 4 Occupancy Status Effective from Date 004 The Effective From date of the Occupancy Status (VACANT/OCCUPIED) is not shown on the Premise Core Data screen. Add the Effective From Date to the Right of the description of Occupied Premises / Vacant Premises 1 DPID History - Terminated DPIDs 16/07/2018 001 Some Trading Parties are having issues checking details at terminated DPIDs as they disappear from the LVI screen once terminated. · The proposal from some TEIC members is that DPIDs should have an „Effective From Date‟ and „Effective To Date‟ on the portal, so it‟s easily distinguishable from a glance whether a DPID has been terminated or is active. · The EFD and ETD being displayed on the screen would be similar to how meters are currently displayed. · Additionally, as DPIDs can also be discontinued, it‟d be useful to have a „DPID Status‟ field somewhere on the LVI screen, with a possible set of „Active‟, „Discontinued‟ and „Terminated‟. Provide view of history if DPIDs on the Portal. similar view to that of Meter ETD history Complete CMOS 5.0 2 DPID History - Terminated Calculated Discharges 002 Some Trading Parties are having difficulties with Calculated Discharges as the LVI screen doesn‟t distinguish between active and discontinued Calculated Discharges. They state that they can only see the discontinuation if they go into the BTD. · The proposal from TEIC members is that the LVI DPID screen has some way of managing the status of Calculated Discharges; perhaps, again, by having an „Effective To Date‟ in the Calculated Discharges section. There‟s currently an „Effective From Date‟ already there, so would make sense to have the other effective date. Provide view of the EFD and ETD of the Calculated Discharges

21 NCC Process Non-Code Change Process - status
Two completed and deployed in CMOS 5.0 LVI screen changes for DPID and Calculated Discharges Three approved for development LVI screen changes for SC, Vacancy, Deregistration dates Due in CMOS 7.0 One approved for MVI Splitting out MPS_2 and PRD transaction reporting Deployed 7 April 2019 One under review by CGI BTD review of XML display One under review by MOSL MVI translation of XML into excel report

22 TP Data Issues Bi-Lateral update
MOSL working with Ofwat, three meetings to date Working to build the requirements for a proposed solution in next month or so. Expect to go to Board in Q1 2019/2020 Expect to have proposal by end July 2019. Begin work on the Code changes from then.

23 Lunch

24 TP Question / Issues Error Codes for CMOS 6.0
Error Codes for CMOS 6.0  Specifically VR.073 SPID status must be Tradable is listed as an error against the TCORR143, I assume this is an error as we should be able to use the transaction on deregistered SPIDs. For VR.073 the SPID status is tested at the effective date (or dates) in the transaction. Also, the check looks at all SPID states (ie NEW, PARTIAL, TRADABLE, REJECTED and DEREG) in this test.  So if a TCORR143 is submitted for a Supply Point that is currently deregistered but which was TRADABLE on the EFD and on the ETD, then the TCORR143 would be accepted. Conversely, if the SPID status was NEW (or PARTIAL, or REJECTED, or DEREG) at the EFD then it would be rejected. There is also VR.696 ‘TCORR is rejected if SPID is deregistered at time of ETD (if ETD is provided)’ & VR ‘TCORR is rejected if SPID is deregistered at time of EFD’. In regards to the deregistered ETD will this mean transactions sent with an effective to date equal to the deregistration date are rejected? If a TCORR143 was submitted with an ETD equal to the Supply Point deregistration date, then the transaction would be accepted. This is because the Supply point will still be active on this date and the data amendment will be made up until and including its last active day. However, if the ETD is after the Supply Point deregistration date then the transaction will be rejected.

25 6.0 Test plan Run Settlement prior to deployment
Run Settlement post deployment Run Settlement at end of each week of testing Decide on period to run against

26 Industry Consultation – Release Schedule
Panel – Requested Consultation on appropriate number of releases PA as Panel would like to see changes implemented faster. Currently two major release PA – Spring and Autumn Does Industry have desire for more releases PA? Does Industry have capability for more releases PA? What times in year are suitable for releases? What lead times are appropriate for each release? Consultation from Monday 18 February to 1 March 2019 Results overall were to retain Status Quo but we saw a desire for additional releases so the recommendation was to add a Minor Release in Summer. Propose July or August.

27 Test System Management
In total 20 Responses were received.; 14 wholesalers 6 Retailers 5 Trading Parties preferred option 1  (Trading Parties to create new test data by transaction flow using HVI/LVI/MVI) 8 Trading Parties preferred option 2  (Trading Parties to supply new test data to MOSL in a format to be confirmed and for MOSL to load the test data into the test systems) 7 Trading parties preferred option 3  (An extract taken from Production CMOS by MOSL, based upon a set of nominated SPIDs (by Trading Party) that would be applied to the test systems by MOSL.  Data to be anonymised by Trading Party transactional flows) As such Option 2 was selected. However due to the small margin MOSL will look to develop a simple extract (based on SPID) process that will feed into the Upload solution. The purge process will be deferred to prior to Release 7

28 Test System Management - Costs
Description Dev/test cost Op cost Data Loader development and test £ ,338 Ongoing Maintenance of the Data Loader £ ,000 Purge process development £ ,000 Purge process running (est 2 PA) £ ,000 total PA £ ,338 £ ,000 £ ,338 SPID extract c £10K additional

29 ORWG ORWG Meetings Move to every two months, alternating with User Forum 11 June 2019 13 August 2019 CMOS Operations Calls Weekly during 6.0 and 6.5 testing phases – Wednesday at 16:00hrs

30 Close

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