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Productive and Responsible Citizen (Senior Year) Lesson Five-Part One

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1 Productive and Responsible Citizen (Senior Year) Lesson Five-Part One
Senior Day Reflection Productive and Responsible Citizen (Senior Year) Lesson Five-Part One

2 Senior CLASS your Senior YEAR
1. What did you learn about yours and others school experiences from the Senior Day Activity? 2. Make a commitment for your Senior Year to improve yourself. -Brain storm as a class (next slide). -Make YOUR commitment! 3. What can you do to be of service to others in your class? 4. What do you think is the biggest issue facing Seniors at Madison High School? “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world” ~Anne Frank

3 Senior YEAR Reflection Goals
1 . What challenge will you take today and the next day etc. to make a difference? ·Invite someone new to eat lunch with you and your friends. · Say hello to ten new people. · Do something nice for someone without them knowing about it. · Say you’re sorry to someone you know you’ve hurt in the past. · Share at least three intentional compliments with people at school today. · Write a card or letter thanking someone you love. · Give an unexpected gift to someone. · Thank a teacher or other adult for making a difference in your life. Discuss other ideas as an Advisory group. My three challenges for the remainder of my Senior year (at school, in my community or/and at home): 1.____________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________ “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”–Mahatma Gandhi

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