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Economic Geography of Russia

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1 Economic Geography of Russia
SSWG6: Examine the spatial distribution of major economic systems and analyzing the role geography plays in economic development

2 Economies of Russia Major changes in region’s economy have greatly impacted the regions development Resource allocation is huge part of economic structure Vast size and harsh climate influence economy Trans-Siberian Railroad connecting interior of country for trade

3 Development of Russia’s Economy
Russia modernized slower than rest of Europe = less developed economy Russia did not industrialize until 1900s Russian Revolution = Communist leaders control all economic decisions

4 Capitalism & Communism
Communists followed philosophies of Karl Marx Capitalism doomed because it concentrated wealth in the hands of a few & left everyone else in poverty Believed communism would replace capitalism Political & economic system in which the major productive resources in a society are government owned, and divided equally among citizens


6 Command Economy of Russia
Soviet leaders adopted a command economy to move their society towards communism Central government makes all important economic decisions Wanted country to be self-sufficient, not depend on foreign trade Gov’t focused on production of defense & heavy industry, not consumer goods = shortage of basic needs Rapid industrialization = goal Collective farms – large labor farms that turned agriculture into an industry under Stalin

7 Negative Effects & Today’s Consequences
Many died of famine Only small portion of people benefitted Government is trying to reduce state monopoly on economic power Return some control to private individuals & businesses


9 Economic Sectors of Russia
Transcaucasia Tourism, agriculture & industry Tea, Fruits, Grapes (Wine) = Georgia Large-scale oil production in Caspian Sea Conflict over which of the 5 border countries gets resources Few benefit, many live in poverty EXTREMELY well educated High literacy rates Soviet gov’t encouraged education programs

10 Economic Reforms Attempting to switch to capitalist society to match rest of world This takes time, money, resources = does not happen over night USSR collapse - removal of price controls & increase of privatization Selling of government owned businesses to individuals Vast size of Russia = difficult to reform = many regions leaders/policies = distance decay


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