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REASONS for European exploration

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Presentation on theme: "REASONS for European exploration"— Presentation transcript:

1 REASONS for European exploration

2 Why explore? Sea Route to Asia- for spices
Find gold, silver, and precious stones To expand their knowledge of the world To control a larger empire To expand Christianity To find animal furs

3 Sea route to Asia for spices
In the 1400s, there were no refrigerators. People used salt and other spices to keep their meat from spoiling. None of these spices grew in Europe, so they had to go to Asia to find the spices. It was a long and dangerous trip over land to bring back spices- thieves and bandits would steal from the spice traders. Around Africa, too many storms and pirates would attack the ships. Spices were VERY EXPENSIVE!!! So, they had to find another way.

4 Sea route to Asia Land route from Asia to Europe

5 Sea route to Asia for spices
In 1453, it was even harder to get spices because the route between Europe and Asia was cut off by the Turkish Empire. Many of the European rulers went to war with the Turkish Empire but they were defeated. The Europeans had to find another way!!!

6 Find gold, silver, precious stones
The Europeans really liked to fight wars and wars cost A LOT of MONEY!!! So…..the Europeans wanted gold, silver, and precious stones (rubies, emeralds, diamonds) to pay for the wars. The Europeans thought Asia had tons of gold and silver. They decided to go find it and bring it back!!!

7 Expand Knowledge The Europeans weren’t the smartest people in the world. Most had never been outside of Europe. The European map only included Europe, Asia, and the top of Africa. Most also thought the world was FLAT and not ROUND. They had no idea how big the world really was!

8 Larger Empires The rulers of Europe wanted more land, especially Spain and Portugal. Europe was limited in how much land and natural resources they could have. GREEDY!!!!! King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

9 Expand Christianity In Europe, there was only one religion: Christianity. The Europeans were very religious and believed that everyone in the world should be Christian.

10 Animal Furs It was very fashionable in Europe to wear animal fur.
The French were the main explorers that explored looking for animal fur. The French loved to wear beaver hats!

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