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Introduction to 8th Grade General Science

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1 Introduction to 8th Grade General Science


Can you name them? PHYSICAL SCIENCE: The study of energy. (Example: molecules in motion) EARTH SCIENCE: The study of the inorganic components of the Earth. (Example: Weather and rocks) LIFE SCIENCE: The study of living things. (Example: Animals and plants)

Can you name them? GEOLOGY: The study of the history of the Earth. (Example: Rocks and plate tectonics) METEOROLOGY: The study of the Earth’s atmosphere. (Example: Weather and climate) ASTRONOMY: The study of the Universe. (Example: Stars and space)

5 How do scientists obtain new information?
Observation Experimentation Discovery

6 What is an observation? An observation is a description of an object or event by using one of the 5 senses. It is 100% true statement; a fact.

7 Observation: The grass is wet.

8 What is an inference? An inference is to explain observations based on complete information. You are inferring something based on factual information. 100% opinion!

9 Inference: It rained outside.

10 What is the Scientific Method?
The scientific methods are the ways in which scientists answer questions and solve problems. There are 8 steps to the scientific method.

Purpose: Question Research Hypothesis Experiment Observation (Analyze Data) Conclusion Ask a new question Repeat Experiment

12 Parts of an Experiment Controlled experiment – an experiment where the scientist controls all the variables except the ONE variable being tested. 1. Experimental Group: part of the experiment that is being tested. 2. Control Group: the part of the experiment that stays the same. 3. Independent Variable – The 1 thing that differs between both groups. 4. Control Factors – all the things that are kept the same between both groups. 5. Dependent Variable – the variable that is not controlled by the scientist. It will be the result of his experiment.

13 What is a hypothesis? IF, THEN, BECAUSE!
A hypothesis is a suggested answer to a problem WITHOUT the support of data. An educated guess. A hypothesis is made BEFORE the experiment is performed. A hypothesis is always written as: IF, THEN, BECAUSE!

14 Put it together: Observation: The grass is wet.
Interpretation/inference: The grass is wet because it rained outside. Hypothesis: If it rained outside, then the grass will still be wet because the sun didn’t dry off the water.

15 Group 1 Group 2 What’s DIFFERENT?
3 trees All have same volume of water and same amount of sunlight 3 trees All have same volume of water, same amount of sunlight, and same amount of fertilizer What’s DIFFERENT? The fertilizer. The fertilizer is the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE.

16 Group 1 Group 2 Which is the CONTROL GROUP?
3 trees All have same volume of water and same amount of sunlight 3 trees All have same volume of water, same amount of sunlight, and same amount of fertilizer Which is the CONTROL GROUP? GROUP 1 is the control group because to find out if the fertilizer worked, you need to compare it with something that doesn’t have fertilizer.

17 Experimental Group Control Group
3 trees All have same volume of water and same amount of sunlight All have same volume of water, same amount of sunlight, and same amount of fertilizer Fertilizer is the (different). This is the control group because it doesn’t have the fertilizer. This is the experimental group because it is why you are doing the experiment.

18 Two types of variables Independent variable: is the variable you change in the experiment Dependent variable: is the variable you are measuring Example: You want to measure the effect of the sun on plant growth. What you change? What you measure? Amount of sunlight Growth

19 The effect of the SUN on the GROWTH of plants.
INDEPENDENT VARIABLE on the DEPENDENT VARIABLE. The effect of the SUN on the GROWTH of plants.

20 More examples The effect of sunlight on the growth of plants.
The effect of cold medicine on the number of sneezes. The effect of bleach on the growth of bacteria. Independent Variable (IV) Dependent Variable (DV)

21 What makes a good experiment?
Repeating the experiment. Every scientist from around the world should be able to repeat your experiment and obtain the exact same results.

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