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Crisis in Quebec Canada in the 1970s.

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1 Crisis in Quebec Canada in the 1970s



4 Introduction The 60’s unrest spilled into the 1970’s with great force- especially in Quebec FLQ (Front de Liberation du Quebec) War Measures Act (PM Trudeau) Parti Quebecois elected into Power in Quebec (Separatist)

5 Introduction 1971 Pm Trudeau officially adopted a policy of multiculturalism (not assimilation) Just Society concept- new social programs- immigration laws were amended to eliminate any racial discrimination Just Society had to respond to issues of equality of women, Aboriginal peoples, immigrants, and Francophone Canadians




9 Introduction Economically- high inflation and high unemployment
Energy Crisis- OPEC reduced production and increased prices Trudeau forced Alberta to freeze its oil costs Federal government introduced wage and price controls- unions fought back Canadian service industries became the most important sector in Canada (technology, retail, banks, etc…)



12 Introduction Culturally, Canada continued to fight against American influence New Canadian content awards- Juno Awards for Music, ACTRA for television, film and radio 1972 The Cold War had a ‘fight’ of sorts Summit Series between Canada and the USSR (CCCP)….we won (Paul Henderson) 1975 CN Tower finished 1975 Seatbelts became compulsory! 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal 1979 Mr. Bergman was born! (Canada’s population- 24 million)

13 Quebec- October Crisis
1970’s- francophones living in Quebec felt they had less equal opportunity then Anglophones Separatism FLQ- 60’s and 70’s nationalist terrorist group- robberies, bombings- 5 murders. 23 FLQ members had been arrested (many cells) October abducted British Trade Commissioner James Cross and Quebec’s Minister of Labour- Pierre Laporte


15 Quebec- October Crisis
October 12, PM Trudeau stationed troops in Ottawa See clip The majority of Canadians approved of military intervention in this crisis October 16- War Measures Act- all civil liberties are removed October 18- Pierre Laporte was found dead in the trunk of a car James Cross was found December 3- FLQ members negotiated a deportation to Cuba- did eventually return


17 Focus: Quebec- October Crisis
The October Crisis ended radical separatism- but political separatism surged The use of the War Measures Act by the government has caused immense debate- the government’s invasion of civil liberties is always a hot issue Similar issues arose after 9/11-

18 Activity See handouts- The War Measures Act

19 Quebec- Separatism The Parti Quebecois- in power in Quebec
Rene Levesque- Bill 101 1980- Sovereignty referendum- Quebec was asked to vote on whether they believed they should seek independence from Canada No side won with 60% of the vote 1995 similar vote taken- No side on with 50.6% of the vote

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