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Antietam Sept 17, 1862 Causalities Who won? Why is it important?

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Presentation on theme: "Antietam Sept 17, 1862 Causalities Who won? Why is it important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Antietam Sept 17, 1862 Causalities Who won? Why is it important?
“Bloodiest Day” Causalities Union- 12,400 Confederate- 10,320 Who won? Why is it important?

2 Vicksburg (Mississippi)
May 18- July 3, 1863 Union Victory Last hold Confederacy had on the Mississippi River Why is it important? Split the Confederacy in half No more help from the west Grant’s career

3 Gettysburg Pennsylvania Lee invaded the North Pickett’s Charge
Last time this would happen Pickett’s Charge Gettysburg Address Why is it important? One of two times North was invaded

4 Sherman’s March to the Sea
Burning of Atlanta 1864 campaign Started in November Total War Not just a battle Not just Sherman’s fault As civilians retreated, they burned crops, etc. Why is it important?

5 Appomattox Campaign March 29-April 9, 1865
General Philip Sherman and George Custer Blocked supply lines for Lee and blocked his retreat

6 Appomattox Court House
Surrender William McLean

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