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Presentation on theme: "Prehistory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prehistory

2 Geology is NOT History


4 Fossil records of life date to 2.5 billion

5 Definitions Prehistory -The period of time before written records Paleolithic – “old stone” age (2.5 million-4000BCE) first use of tools come into use – this period actually pre-dates Homo Sapiens Neolithic – “new stone” age (10,000 BCE – 2,000BCE) Development of early villages, agriculture, animal domestication tools and the earliest evidence of warfare

6 Evolution 1851 - Charles Darwin writes The Origin of Species
life evolved through Natural Selection increasing in complexity in order to adapt to their surroundings 1871 – The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex Evolution applies to men – specifically that we evolved from a shared ancestor with apes

7 Evolution is not necessarily
“survival of the fittest” but “survival of the best adapted” Furry mammals

8 Creationism vs. Evolution… A Real Debate?
Considered a game-changer in debates on the existence of *God New ground hasn’t really been made… Religion is important… let’s look at how some cultures have come to answer the most basic question…

9 Creation Myths 1. Using the Myths provided complete the chart on the back of your handout. You are looking for things the myths have in common and for questions that are addressed by the myths. 2. Once you know what a good creation myth is supposed to look like, you will write a creation myth of your own. Be sure to include the elements you discover from your readings. Consider working Evolution into your story! Will be marked out of 10 – 6 for content (research from other myths) - 4 for style (care put into writing, helpful illustration ) Due Tomorrow.

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