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Chapter 10 section 1 From neutrality to war.

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1 Chapter 10 section 1 From neutrality to war

2 Focus Question What caused World War One, and why did the US enter the war?

3 Causes of WW1 Nationalism -- devotion to one’s nation
Created international rivalries Fostered increased industrialization Social Darwinism Best nation will succeed

4 Causes of WW1 Militarism -- glorification of the military
Arms race (keeping up w/ the Jones’s) Large standing armies, new technology

5 Causes of WW1 Alliance system Mutual defense agreements
Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente Great Britain, France, Russia

6 Europe 1914

7 Assassination Sarajevo, Bosnia -- capital city
Archduke Franz Ferdinand & wife Sophie State visit to calm restless Bosnians Black Hand -- Serbian terror group Plan to kill the heir to the Austrian throne Gavrilo Princip -- kills both Franz & wife

8 Before & After

9 Chain Reaction Austria-Hungary July 28, 1914 -- war is declared
Demanded full cooperation of Serbia in an investigation of Archduke's death Serbia refused, forcing A-H to declare war July 28, war is declared Russia in turn declares war on A-H Thus the dominos fell --World War One

10 1914 …busy time

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