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(a, b) Hypothetical scenario where 2 samples of 2 proportions may explain two different scenarios in the environment. (a, b) Hypothetical scenario where.

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Presentation on theme: "(a, b) Hypothetical scenario where 2 samples of 2 proportions may explain two different scenarios in the environment. (a, b) Hypothetical scenario where."— Presentation transcript:

1 (a, b) Hypothetical scenario where 2 samples of 2 proportions may explain two different scenarios in the environment. (a, b) Hypothetical scenario where 2 samples of 2 proportions may explain two different scenarios in the environment. (c) The balance between these 2 proportions is consistent for both scenarios. (d) Balance of Red and Blue species abundances. (e, f) Balances of Red and Blue individuals across an environmental variable. The comparison is of proportions and balances of two environments in the scenario where the Purple/Orange population (i.e., the most-right bin) triples. The balances were calculated using the groupings specified by the tree. James T. Morton et al. mSystems 2017; doi: /mSystems

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