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Unit 8 Presentations: The Middle of a Presentation

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1 Unit 8 Presentations: The Middle of a Presentation
Business English Unit 8 Presentations: The Middle of a Presentation

2 Conversation Question
Think of a job you’d like to have in the future. What kind of presentations might you have to give for that job?

3 Review j – solid line k – dotted line l – broken line

4 Review climbed slightly declined a little increased steadily dropped
markedly rose dramatically

5 REVIEW/Practice In pairs, ask each other for the missing information on your chart. File Card A – page 158 File Card B – page 166

6 Structuring your Presentation

7 Structure Think about what main points need to be focused on in order to make your presentation strong and clear. Link these ideas together in a logical sequence Time order Importance Strength of your points Make your sequencing clear Use transition words and phrases Refer back to previously stated ideas Repeat and review main ideas as you go

8 Signposting “First you say what you’re going to say, Then you say it. Then you tell them what you’ve said”

9 Example - Outline [Introduction] Interview participants
age nationality job Results of survey questions Explanation of questions Results of survey questions based on nationality, gender, and job Implications How we will use these results in our marketing strategy [Conclusion and Discussion] Use this outline to give a sample of verbal signposting

10 Example – Signposting in an Introduction
“Hello, today I’m going to talk to you about _______.” [Background information] “I’ll start my talk with _________”. “Then I’ll move on to _________”. “Finally I’ll finish with _________”. “My talk will take about _____ minutes and it will be followed by a short discussion time where you are free to ask questions.” “Now let’s begin with ______”.

11 Signposting

12 Signposting

13 Linking Ideas / Speakers

14 Linking Ideas Listen to the speech on Energy Resources in South America. How does the speaker link the different ideas in his speech?

15 Listening Venezuela – oil/fossil fuels
Argentina – hydroelectric power and fossil fuels Peru – many resources but under developed WHY? Political and economic factors and the Amazon Basin is environmentally sensitive

16 Linking Ideas “Lets look now at Argentina, which is quite a lot different from Venezuela….” “That’s all I want to say about Argentina. Now let’s talk about Peru. …” “Now, so much for Peru. I now want to say something about other opportunities in South America…”

17 Signposting

18 Signposting

19 Sequencing / Transitioning

20 LISTEN 1 – Commission research to find best location for plant 2 – Purchasing procedure 3 – Technical consultation to determine design needs 4 – Put out a request for proposals to architects 5 – Select the best proposal 6 – Period of consultation with architects over details 7 – Put out a call for bids for construction 8 – Building

21 LISTEN First of all… Next… When that’s completed…
The next step will be… Then… Having chosen… / Having ____... The next stage is to….

22 Poster Presentations

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