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NEWSLETTER What goes on at the centre Tuesday Monday Wednesday

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1 NEWSLETTER What goes on at the centre Tuesday Monday Wednesday
March 2019 NEWSLETTER Monday Hello neighbours, welcome to our first newsletter of 2019 we are Northfleet Big Local, and we hope many of you are aware of what we are achieving in the area. Hello neighbours, welcome to our Spring newsletter We are Northfleet Big Local, and we are sure many of you are aware of what we are achieving in the area. Yoga & Pilates £4 Beat Club Wednesday We are now in our 5th year of a 10 year funding stream Rainbows Open Door/Active Threads £1 10 9 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 LOTTERY FUNDING Hive Hope Food Bank Youth (age 11+) Thursday What is Big Local? COGS Club – Dementia Support Northfleet Central Community Lunch Club £5 Kids for Life (up to age 11 ) What’s it not about? Friday Fancy a free cuppa and a bacon sandwich? Northfleet Big Local Brightstar Wellbeing 4th and 6th April 2019 Parents you can bring the Children along to join in and they get a Free Easter Egg ! Let us know you're coming, so we can buy the bacon! Dartford Light Orchestra This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC For any information on items in this newsletter contact: or Northfleet Central or Northfleet Big Local

2 event VOLUNTEER opportunities April Young Parents Group
Only £4 per class all abilities VOLUNTEER opportunities Young Parents Group Are you pregnant or a parent aged 19 or under? Come along to our fun and informal group and you could receive advice and support with: Money and budgeting. Socialising and making friends. Positive behaviour strategies with your child. UPCOMING 20Yyou19 We have lots of different roles that you can become involved with, from as little as a couple of hours at our occasional events, or more regularly with gardening and odd jobs within and around Northfleet Central Hub. Drop in and see us for more information or just a cuppa on a Wednesday morning 10.00am – 12.00pm SUPER SLIMDOWN Yoga and Pilates – Supple Strength If you want a slim, sleek and toned body, this is the workout for you. Combining Pilates for long lean sexy muscles and Yoga for strength, balance and flexibility. Creating dynamic movement within both disciplines burns calories. We’ve developed a revolutionary, beautifully balanced and reflective workout specifically designed to burn spare calories. MONDAY’S Held at Northfleet Central (Formerly Rainbow Centre) Rose Street DA11 9EQ Upcoming event April Saturday 13th Mazza’s Floristry Taster Ever wanted to have a go ? Come along and try for yourself See back page for booking 11.00 – 2.00 Free lunch Northfleet Central Rose Street Northfleet DA11 9EQ 1.30pm – 3.30pm Northfleet Central Rose Street Northfleet DA11 9EQ 1.30pm – 3.30pm Contact office: Cassie our support worker We would welcome any ideas and or help

3 What is Northfleet Big Local ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 As Northfleet Big Local enter our 6th year of a ten year funding stream, one of our aims has always been to leave a lasting legacy for the community that we serve. We have now been managing Northfleet Central for eighteen months and have been lucky enough to keep the existing groups and build on new groups using the centre. We are in talks with the Methodist Church to take on a long term lease to enable this to continue for many years to come. We are also establishing a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, that will sit alongside Big Local, but will continue the work after the funding has ceased. We have an ‘Open Door’ drop in for a cuppa on a Wednesday morning between 10am-12pm. Please feel free to come in and ask any questions about what we are doing. We value your input and ideas for your community. LOTTERY FUNDING we are entering our 6th year of a 10 year funding stream What is Northfleet Big Local ? WhWh Big Local is a resident led project. It is an exciting opportunity for residents in 150 areas around England to use at least £1m each to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their communities. Big Local brings together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make their area an even better place to live. It’s NOT about local authorities, the government or a national organisation telling people what to do. It’s NOT about individual groups fixing their favourite problem without talking to a wide range of different people who live, socialise and work in the community. Its NOT about short – term thinking. Big Local areas have 10 years or more to plan and deliver the best options for their area. Our work is planned and run by a partnership, most of whom are people who live or work in the area. The partnership develop and agree a plan for how we spend our funds. In the last year we have created ‘Northfleet Central’, a community space for you, the community to have a say in what goes on! We welcome residents to become involved in our partnership, if you have time to spare and care about your community then please contact or 10 9 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 LOTTERY FUNDING What it is NOT ? 3rd Northfleet Rainbows Meet Wednesday’s at Northfleet Central 5pm - 6pm Girls aged 5 – 7 Hello neighbours, welcome to our autumn newsletter We are Northfleet Big Local, and we are sure many of you are aware of what we are achieving in the area. Big Local is a resident led project. It is an exciting opportunity for residents in areas around England to use at least £1m each to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their communities. Big Local brings together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make their area an even better place to live. It’s NOT about local authorities, the government or a national organisation telling people what to do. It’s NOT about individual groups fixing their favourite problem without talking to a wide range of different people who live, socialise and work in the community. Its NOT about short – term thinking. Big Local areas have 10 years or more to plan and deliver the best options for their area. Our work is planned and run by a partnership, most of whom are people who live or work in the area. The partnership develop and agree a plan for how we spend our funds. In the last year we have created ‘Northfleet Central’, a community space for you, the community to have a say in what goes on! We welcome residents to become involved in our partnership, if you have time to spare and care about our community then please contact We need local people to help shape the future of Northfleet. Northfleet Big Local

4 Hall hire Events Parties
Can be used as a pop up space for smaller events, suitable for exhibitions and much more! Meeting space Wellbeing exercise space Northfleet Central, Rose Street, Northfleet DA11 9EQ Accessible by car, bus, train and on foot! Car parking or Full kitchen Two large halls Pop up theatre space Courses Wi-fi Business breakfast venue

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