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Social systems manipulate and dupe people into buying the myth that society is moving forward. It is an industry that we take part in. A cultural industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Social systems manipulate and dupe people into buying the myth that society is moving forward. It is an industry that we take part in. A cultural industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social systems manipulate and dupe people into buying the myth that society is moving forward. It is an industry that we take part in. A cultural industry. These industries create “art” so that it can be fed to the masses for money. Therefore, it is not truly art.

2 Seriously, just think about it.

3 Corporations do this in three ways: Standardization Manipulation

4 Standardization Art succumbs to formula, genre Plotlines follow predictable paths Time and “look” of artistic works must conform to various standards

5 Popular culture sounds and looks more and more like each other.
They have a “core structure” with punitive uniqueness. (Pseudo-individualism)

6 Popular culture becomes more alike.
The industry squeezes out any kind of challenge, orginality authenticity or intellectual stimulation from the culture it creates. Popular culture becomes more alike.

7 Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, chorus.
Genre: Pop Song Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, chorus. Art succumbs to formula, genre… Genre: Painting Frame, oil or water, scene?

8 The Beginning of any chorus is replaceable by the
beginning of innumerable other choruses.

9 Structural standardization = standardized reactions.

10 Conditions listeners: “Forced childishness”.
The listeners drawn to popular music are conceived of in terms of infants. Conditions listeners: “Forced childishness”. Oppositional music - The details contain the whole. You must spend time with the piece. Regression from oppositional music. Pop Music is one of distraction. We desire it because it is hammered into us. It is made to be desirable. “Ecstasy without content”

11 These artists did not conform to standards or follow predictable paths.
Avant Garde

12 Signed to Bluenote & Atlantic
Signed to Elektra, Atlantic & Warner. Signed with Geffen But…


14 Manipulation Using knowledge, cultural creators can manipulate stories for a specific effect.

15 Pseudo-Individualism
The “Veneer of the Individual” makes consumers think they are getting something new and different.

16 Original? Yes, there may be some originality, but a “film” still has a story arc, a hero, a journey of discovery, a plot and other standardized elements.

17 Capitalism conveys “myth” of the individual and of the “rebel”.

18 Wait a second, these individuals who need to “stick out” are a new market opportunity!
People want to express themselves as being different from the “crowd”

19 So, go forth and continue to be duped by those in charge of the industry. You really don’t have much choice. All driven by commercial imperatives to maximize profit All culture is “pre-digested” with individuals in mind. NO WAY OUT OF CULTURAL INDUSTRY…

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