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ABSOLUTISM Chapter 20 Section 1.

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1 ABSOLUTISM Chapter 20 Section 1

2 Definitions Absolute Monarchs Divine Right
Kings or Queens who held all the power within their states’ boundaries. Goal is to control all aspects of society Divine Right Idea that God put them in power and they are Gods representatives on Earth

3 Causes of Absolutism Religious and territorial fights created fear and uncertainty. Growth of army to deal with conflicts caused rulers to raise taxes to pay for troops Heavy taxes led to additional unrest and peasant revolts

4 Louis XIV Page 588

5 Louis XIV L’etat C’est Moi King of France at 4 years old

6 Louis XIV At the age of 22 he took his power
Weakened nobles power by excluding them from council Increased power of Intendants, people who collected taxes Believed in Mercantilism…keep wealth in France

7 Louis XIV 5 adjectives to describe Louis XIV

8 Louis XIV & his wars… Increase territory
Invade Netherlands….not successful Most European countries formed an alliance to stop France Poor harvest weakened France

9 Louis XIV & his wars… War of the Spanish Succession
Spanish King Charles II died and promised the throne to Louis XIV grandson Philip of Anjou 1701 European countries did not want 2 Bourbon dynasties in Europe Costly war ended in 1714 Philip kept his seat, but the winner was Great Britain who won Gibraltar, and power over the Atlantic Slave Trade

10 Death of Louis XIV Positive outcome for France
France…power to be reckoned with Increased in arts, literature, statesmanship Negative outcome for France Contestant warfare, building of Versailles was very costly, abused powers which will hurt future heirs to the throne

11 Louis XIV Louis XIV is like a ___________(pick an animal) because ___________________.

12 Model Write - Imagine Directions
Rewrite the song “Imagine” in the right hand column from the perspective of Louis XIV (Imagine if Louis XIV did NOT rule France). Must be on Louis XIV…think of it as if he’s writing the song. Must relate to absolutism! If you need to tweak it, let me know….Due next class!

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