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Big Idea Understanding how heredity, environment, and other factors affect your health can help you make healthy decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Idea Understanding how heredity, environment, and other factors affect your health can help you make healthy decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Idea Understanding how heredity, environment, and other factors affect your health can help you make healthy decisions.

2 Bell Ringer Your health is affected by many factors, some are controllable and some are not. Write about 2 controlable factors that contribute to your health as well as 2 factors that you can’t control.

3 Pair and share Class share

4 New Vocabulary Heredity Environment Media Technology Peers Attitude
Behavior Understanding how and what influences your health can help you make healthy decisions

5 Factor # 1: HEREDITY The traits passed on to you from your biological parents. What traits and/or disorders might someone inherit from their parents? Knowing what you may be at risk for can help you make decisions or take actions to stay well and healthy.

6 Think/Write/Pair/Share

7 Think/Write/

8 Pair/Share

9 Examples: Skin color Eye color Hair color Height Right/left handed Facial Features Allergies/Health

10 Factor # 2 Environment: Everything that makes up your surroundings.
Physical Social Culture

11 Think Environment

12 Pair/Share

13 Environmental influences
Physical environment Neighborhood and school safety Air and water quality Availability of parks, recreational facilities and libraries. Access to medical care.

14 Environmental influences
Social environment: Made up of all the people around you, including your family and your peers.

15 Environmental influences
Culture The collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. This group may be an ethnic group, a community, a nation or a specific part of the world. May include the language you speak, the foods you eat, and the traditions you practice.

16 Complete the TICKET IN THE DOOR SLIP.
Bell Ringer: Complete the TICKET IN THE DOOR SLIP.

17 Factor # 3 : MEDIA The main means of mass communication (especially television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) regarded collectively.

18 Think/Pair/Share/Write

19 More examples: Newspapers, magazines, books News station Weather station Advertisements Radio stations

20 Factor # 4 Technology Involves scientific ideas that affect your life. (Radio, television, and the Internet) How can technology be a negative influence on our health How can technology be a positive influence on our health

21 Think/Write/ Technology

22 Pair/Share

23 Examples: Cell phones Computers Treadmills Ipads Radios Tv’s

24 Factor # 5 peers. People your age
How can your peers be a positive influence on your health? What is the difference between a friend and a peer? Is there one? Friends can be any age, peers are people your age.

25 Friends can be any age, peers are people your age.
Think/Pair/Share/Write/ Friends can be any age, peers are people your age. Peers

26 Factor # 6: Attitude Your attitude or the way you view situations can have a big effect on your health. If you feel strongly that healthy habits will benefit your health then you are more like to practice those healthy habits. Optimists are usually in better health than pessimists.

27 Think/Pair/Share/Write/

28 Factor # 7: Behavior Some factors you don’t have much control over like heredity and some of your environment. However, you can choose to avoid high-risk behaviors in favor of healthful behaviors, like:

29 Think/Pair/Share/Write/
Behavior Choosing healthy foods Participating in daily physical activity

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