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The First Global Age: Europe, the Americas, and Africa

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Presentation on theme: "The First Global Age: Europe, the Americas, and Africa"— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Global Age: Europe, the Americas, and Africa
Chapter 16 The First Global Age: Europe, the Americas, and Africa

2 The Columbian Exchange
Section 5 The Columbian Exchange

3 APWH Themes: 1 – Interaction between Humans & the Environment 2 – Development & Interaction of Cultures, 3 – State-building, Expansion, and Conflict 4 –Creation, Expansion & Interaction of Economic Systems 5 – Development & Transformation of Social Structures   Essential Questions: What were some of the most important things exchanged between the Old World and New World? What changes occurred in business and commerce in Europe? What other were groups were affected by the changes of the time period?

4 Disease

5 Diseases Exchanged From Old World: Smallpox Measles Malaria
Yellow fever Influenza Chicken Pox From New World: Syphilis Polio Hepatitis Encephalitis

6 Cherokee Alphabet




10 Mercantilism Diagrams

11 The World by c. 1700

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