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High Middle Ages, 1000-1450 Late Middle Ages: 1300+ (rough time – Black Death, famine, etc.) Focus Questions: What changed by 1000 CE that improved western.

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Presentation on theme: "High Middle Ages, 1000-1450 Late Middle Ages: 1300+ (rough time – Black Death, famine, etc.) Focus Questions: What changed by 1000 CE that improved western."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Middle Ages, Late Middle Ages: (rough time – Black Death, famine, etc.) Focus Questions: What changed by 1000 CE that improved western Europe’s situation? How are those changes linked together?

2 I. Agricultural improvements
A. Harness for horses

3 B. Moldboard plow Can dig into heavier soils of Europe

4 C. Three-field system 1st field: grains (rye, wheat) planted in fall; 2nd field: grains (oats, barley) & veggies in spring; 3rd field: fallow

5 II. Regional political stability
Decreased Viking raids (in part because Vikings settled down)

6 III. Crusades -Exposed Western Europeans to ideas/goods from neighboring regions

7 IV. Population Growth New markets/rise in trade Guilds Trade fairs
Merchants Guilds Trade fairs B. Growth of towns/urban areas rise in trade with other regions too – trading fairs (like Renaissance festival) – 6/yr in chief towns; urban areas: entertainers; guilds: for craftspeople – cloth, metalworking, bakers (business associations)

8 V. Intellectual activity rose
Rise in literacy, schools/universities –Canterbury Tales Revival of classical knowledge Growing interest in intellectual developments of other civilizations Literacy rose as as urban areas become larger and busier

9 VI. Feudal monarchy’s power rose
Employing professional soldiers cut into nobles’ power These armies, combined with cannons and gunpowder, made knights and castles obsolete Tournaments, chivalry take on more prominence


11 C. Limits to some monarchs’ power 1. Parliament 2. Magna Carta

12 VII. End of Middle Ages Black Death 100 Years’ War
Europe recovers from these events, moves towards the Renaissance

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