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Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations Afjal Hossain Assistant Professor

2 Understanding Target Audience Behavior
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Chapter Four Understanding Target Audience Behavior

3 A framework proposed by Andreasen in 1995, focuses on 4 key areas:
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Behavioral Drivers A framework proposed by Andreasen in 1995, focuses on 4 key areas: Benefits Costs Others Self-efficacy

4 Exchange of Money for Food Basic Challenge of Marketing
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Central Role of Exchange Exchange of Money for Food Basic Challenge of Marketing Types of Exchange Two party exchanges Multiple party exchanges Allied with the customer Allied with the marketer Independent of either prime transactor but necessary to facilitate the transaction Independent of either party but seeking to influence the existence or content of an exchange

5 Types of Transaction Continuing transactions
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Central Role of Exchange Types of Transaction Continuing transactions Fixed duration transactions

6 4 Broad Classes of Management Decisions: Segmentation Chosen Segment
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Levels of understanding of Consumer Behavior 4 Broad Classes of Management Decisions: Segmentation Chosen Segment Market to each segment Efforts to the segment

7 There are also 4 levels of understanding consumer behavior:
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Levels of understanding of Consumer Behavior There are also 4 levels of understanding consumer behavior: Descriptive understanding Understanding of associations Understanding of causation Ability explain causation

8 Decision about actions vary in 2 important dimensions: Involvement
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Individual Behaviors Decision about actions vary in 2 important dimensions: Involvement Complexity High personal involvement has been found to occur when one or more of the following conditions are operative: Self-image Economic and personal costs of behaving Personal or social risks Reference group pressures

9 Stages of Change are: 1 2 3 4 Precontemplation
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Highly Complex Decisions Stages of Change are: Precontemplation 1 Contemplation Early contemplation Late contemplation 2 Preparation & Action 3 Maintenance 4

10 Information Gathering Forming the Choice Set
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Contemplation Process Information Gathering Forming the Choice Set Forming Evaluation Criteria Evaluating Alternatives Combining Beliefs and Weightings Objects versus Behaviors Influence of others Efficacy

11 Figure 4-1 The Contemplation Process: Information Gathering
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Contemplation Process: Information Gathering Figure 4-1

12 Figure 4-2 The Contemplation Process: Forming the Choice Set
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Contemplation Process: Forming the Choice Set Figure 4-2

13 Figure 4-3 The Contemplation Process: Forming Evaluation Criteria
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Contemplation Process: Forming Evaluation Criteria Figure 4-3

14 Four methods are used for determining evaluation criteria:
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Contemplation Process: Forming Evaluation Criteria Four methods are used for determining evaluation criteria: Direct Questions Indirect Measurements Perceptual Mapping Conjoint Analysis

15 Each consumer will possess a set of perceptions (Beliefs)
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Contemplation Process: Evaluation Alternatives Each consumer will possess a set of perceptions (Beliefs) Determine the value the target audience member places on the various outcomes (criteria weighting)

16 Elimination by Criteria Elimination of Nondeterminative Criteria
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University The Contemplation Process: Combining Beliefs and Weightings Elimination by Criteria Elimination of Nondeterminative Criteria Evaluate Options One Attribute at a Time

17 Change Beliefs about Alternatives Change Beliefs about Competitors
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Strategy Implications for Personal Attitudes Change Beliefs about Alternatives Change Beliefs about Competitors Change Weightings Call Attention to Neglected Favorable Consequences Add New Favorable Consequences

18 They know how to do it & will have evaluated its outcomes
Department of Marketing Patuakhali Science and Technology University Simplified Behavior 4 kinds of simplification will probably take place when the target audience has experience are: Little information seeking & thinking will be devoted to defining the evaluation criteria The weights of the criteria may also be largely set, although they will be somewhat more changeable than the criteria themselves The choice set may also be relatively well defined in 2nd & 3rd decisions They know how to do it & will have evaluated its outcomes

19 Thank You Make Presentation much more fun

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