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Minds On – Quick Review What were the 3 characteristics of Indigenous myths and/or creation stories? Order and Purpose Value of Land Relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Minds On – Quick Review What were the 3 characteristics of Indigenous myths and/or creation stories? Order and Purpose Value of Land Relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minds On – Quick Review What were the 3 characteristics of Indigenous myths and/or creation stories? Order and Purpose Value of Land Relationships

2 North American Stories Analysis
Finish analysis and then pair up with another group to compare. Obviously the stories and lessons are different but how were the characteristics evident in both? Title Brief Summary Purpose and Order Value of Land Relationships Moral/Lesson

3 A Global Look – Quote Inquiry
Rewrite the quote in your notes (or just tape it in) and set up the following chart: Pretty simple – Read the quote and just write in your first impressions/reaction. Then write in how this global quote might reflect the characteristics. Once that is done look up that group and spend a few minutes checking out who they are! Then find the person in the class that has the same quote and compare overall thoughts At First Glance Applying the Characteristics How It Compares

4 A Global Look – Introducing the Ainu
Read the article “Japan’s Ainu Seek to Preserve Their Native Culture” Using two different colours, highlight and discuss a) positive approaches to culture and b) challenges the Ainu face (past and present) Discuss with an partner and as a class

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