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1/14-1/18 Reading Log 10 All AR points are due on 1/14!

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1 1/14-1/18 Reading Log 10 All AR points are due on 1/14!
Remember that all work for the 2nd nine weeks is due on 1/18! Informational Text Test on 1/18

2 1/14 1. Bellringer 2. READ AR books-all points for 2nd nine weeks due today! 3. Vocabulary 4. READ about the St. Louis and PRACTICE annotating 5. COMPLETE an annotation Goosechase with your group using the article about St. Louis and Refugee Crisis 6. Individually ANNOTATE an article about the refugee crisis and five facts Bellringer: current grammar and grammar review Students will read for 15 minutes. The teacher will guide students in defining their vocabulary words. Read about the St. Louis and practice annotating. Complete a Goosechase to practice annotating. Individually annotate an article about the refugee crisis and five facts.

3 Articles Refugees Five Facts About the Refugee Crisis The St. Louis

4 Pun, Idiom, and Word in Another Language
Idiom-hold your horses-means to wait a minute or be patient. Pun-When she told me I was average, she was just being mean.-She said something that was mean and mean also means average, so she was probably just being her normal self. Word in Another Language-bon voyage-good journey in French

5 Vocabulary Obsolete-adj. no longer in use
Obscure-adj. not clearly understood or expressed Oblivious-adj. (followed by `to' or `of') lacking conscious awareness of Odious-adj. unequivocally detestable Talisman-n. a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease Tangential-adj. of superficial relevance if any Tout-v. advertise in strongly positive terms Temperament-n. your usual mood Tactile-adj. of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch Mar-v. make imperfect

6 1/15 1. Bellringer 2. READ AR books
3. CREATE visuals for vocabulary words 4. TRAVEL to stations and ANALYZE articles 5. Article analysis assignment Bellringer: analogy and figurative language Students will read AR books for 15 minutes. Students will create visuals for their vocabulary words. Students will travel to stations and add annotation about the articles. Students will complete an article analysis assignment where they will select an article and annotate it.

7 Vocabulary Padlet 1st Block

8 Vocabulary Padlet 2nd Block

9 Vocabulary Padlet 3rd Block

10 Articles for Stations What should I look for while I read?
German Artist Saves Hundreds of Jews United Nations Formed Syrian School Children Myanmar A Refugee Looks Back In a war, Children without a Childhood Where the Refugees Are

11 Article Assignment Instructions

12 1/16 1. Bellringer 2. COMPLETE I-READY diagnostic
3. READ AR books/complete missing work Bellringer: prefix & suffix, spelling practice, and everyday edit Students will complete their I-Ready diagnostic. Students will read their AR books and complete any missing work.

13 1/17 1 Bellringer 2. READ AR books
3. READ AR books/complete any missing work 4.REVIEW for test using games 5. WRITE sentences for vocabulary words Bellringer: reading section and vocabulary square Students will read AR books for 15 minutes. Students will complete review games to review for the informational text test. Students will practice writing sentences using their vocabulary words.

14 Vocabulary Sentences Padlet-1st Block

15 Vocabulary Sentences Padlet 2nd Block

16 Vocabulary Sentences 3rd Block Padlet

17 Review for test Questions Games Directions

18 1/18 1. Bellringer 2. COMPLETE informational text test
3. READ AR books and complete any missing work Bellringer: idiom and literary terminology Students will complete a test on analyzing informational texts. Students will read their AR books and complete any missing work.

19 Quizlet Go to the link:

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