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Invisible Children: Discover the Unseen Documentary

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Presentation on theme: "Invisible Children: Discover the Unseen Documentary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Invisible Children: Discover the Unseen Documentary

2 Snapshot LT: I can analyze a visual media source.
SC: I know I hit the LT when I can answer comprehension and analysis questions based on Invisible Children: Discover the Unseen. Why: humanity; consequences, comprehension

3 Brainstorm On the back of your ½ sheet, write down anything that comes to mind when you think of “War”

4 What about Children?

5 Child Soldiers We may not think of child soldiers, because they are not part of the usual imagery we receive about war through films or the media. An estimated 250,000 to 300,000 child soldiers are engaged in conflict at present, in 19 countries worldwide. These children live in very difficult and disturbing conditions, and are often trained to kill and maim from the age of 12.

6 Invisible Children: Discover the Unseen
Answer questions as we watch.

7 Complete Map of Child Soldiers Across Globe by Next Class

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