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Coming of War.

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1 Coming of War

2 Coming of War Read Chapter 14 Section 1 pg Vocab- Definition and Impact, all bold words (not Spanish Civil War) Notes- Take notes over CAUSES OF WWII. What the cause was and how it led to war.

3 Clues: Causes of WWII (description of how they led to WWII)
Treaty of Versailles Aggressive Dictators Totalitarianism

4 Didn’t bring a lasting peace
Treaty of Versailles Bitterness Japan, Italy Punished Germany Didn’t bring a lasting peace

5 Great Depression Poor and bitter countries were weak and vulnerable. Desperate for leadership.

6 Totalitarianism Weak countries were vulnerable for Totalitarian Dictators who have TOTAL POWER NO CHECKS AND BALANCES. Broke Treaty of Versailles, ruled with fear, had aggressive plans. Countries were desperate for leadership, would follow anyone who promised a better life.

7 Aggression These dictators became aggressive taking land by force that was not theirs.


9 Appeasement/League of Nations
League of Nations was weak with no power or army to stop aggression. Leaders were afraid of another war so they did not stand up to aggressive dictators. US wanted to stay isolated. Munich Pact- Let Hitler keep land he had taken as long as he promised not to take any more

10 Hitler invades Poland; Britain and France Declare War. WWII begins
What will the United States do?!

11 Isolationists vs. Interventionists
US should promote collective security Axis aggressions were wrong and threatened American interests US should aid Allies who are fighting for democracy and freedom We should prepare for war security We should avoid alliances Focus on issues at home Complete neutrality is the only way to stay safe Intervention in a foreign war would be a mistake, WWI

12 Roosevelt's Stance Dictatorship, however, involves costs which the American people will never pay: The cost of our spiritual values… The cost of having our children brought up, not as free and dignified human beings, but as pawns molded and enslaved by a machine….. To us much is given; more is expected” Franklin D. Roosevelt In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression-everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want. The fourth is freedom from fear. Which means a worldwide reduction of arms to such a point that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor. - Four Freedoms Speech 1941


14 Steps Towards War Neutrality Acts 1935, 1936, 1937; imposed restrictions on Americans during times of war to remain neutral Neutrality Act of 1939 allowed US a cash- and- carry provision to let them sell supplies to the Allies Lend Lease “ sell, transfer title to, exchange, lease, lend to any such government any defense article” whenever he thought was necessary.

15 1941– Turning Points Hitler invades Soviet Union; USSR joins Allies- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; America Joins Allies

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