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Physics Lab Safety Test

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1 Physics Lab Safety Test

2 Flammable materials should never be used near:
Open door Open flame Another student A sink [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

3 If a fire erupts in the lab, immediately:
Notify the teacher Run for the fire extinguisher Throw water on the fire Open the door [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

4 If you do not understand any part of the lab procedures:
Skip it and move on Guess what it means and move on Ask the teacher Try something until it works [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

5 You just got injured, you should:
See the nurse after school Give yourself first aid immediately Call your family doctor Tell the teacher immediately [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

6 Long hair must be: Cut short Held back with one hand while working
Kept properly groomed Tied back securely [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

7 During labs, the following should not be worn:
Loose clothing Dangling jewelry Sandals All of the above [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

8 Horseplay or joking around during labs:
OK if you’re working alone Not dangerous Not permitted OK if you leave the lab area [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

9 You can start a lab as soon as you enter the class room
True False

10 Read all procedures before starting any lab
True False

11 Work areas are to be kept neat and tidy.
True False

12 Unauthorized experiments are not authorized
True False

13 Finished!

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