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The pH scale.

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Presentation on theme: "The pH scale."— Presentation transcript:

1 The pH scale

2 Buffers Buffers are weak acids or bases that prevent sharp changes in pH Neutralization! Produced by the body to maintain homeostasis Weak acid Weak base

3 The building blocks of life
Chapter 6

4 Structure of an atom Electrons constantly move around the nucleus in energy levels The energy levels are called shells Different numbers of electrons fit in each shell

5 Electron shells The first shell holds 2 electrons
The second shell holds 8 electrons The third shell holds 18 electrons Atoms fill the first level completely before filling the second



8 Carbon Carbon is a component of almost all biological molecules.
For this reason, life on earth is considered carbon-based! The half-filled outer shell allows for the formation of different shapes .

9 Macromolecules Large molecules formed by joining smaller organic molecules (monomers) into chains. Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating identical segments of monomers

10 Checkpoint! (COPY TABLE TO NOTES!)
Macro- molecule Building Block Function Example Protein Carbohydrate Nucleic Acid Lipid

11 Carbohydrate Compounds made of C, H, and O, usually seen as (CH2O)n .
N indicates the number of compounds that are connected.

12 Carbohydrates The building blocks of carbohydrates are monosaccharides (simple sugars) Polysaccharides contain many monosaccharides Example: glycogen which can be broken down into glucose.

13 Checkpoint (COPY TABLE TO NOTES!)
Macro- molecule Building Block Function Example Protein Carbohydrate Monosacc-harides Store energy/ used for structural support in cells Glucose Nucleic Acid Lipid

14 Lipids Lipids fats, oils, and waxes are all lipids
Lipids are composed of fatty acids, glycerol and other components. Most are insoluble (do not dissolve in water Organisms needs lipids in order to function properly.

15 Lipids - Examples Phospholipids
Responsible for the function and structure of the cell membrane. Steroids Cholesterol and hormones

16 Saturated & Unsaturated

17 Checkpoint (COPY TABLE TO NOTES!)
Macro- molecule Building Block Function Example Protein Carbohydrate Nucleic Acid Lipid Fatty acids Store energy Provide barriers Fats, Oils and Waxes

18 Proteins A protein is a compound made of small carbon compounds called amino acids. Amino acids are small compounds that are made of C, N, O, H and sometimes S.

19 Proteins Protein Function
Make up 15% of your total body mass and are involved in nearly every function of your body. Examples: muscles, skin and hair and enzymes.

20 Checkpoint (COPY TABLE TO NOTES!)
Macro- molecule Building Block Function Example Protein Amino acids Transport substances Speed up reactions Structural support Enzymes Carbohydrate Nucleic Acid Lipid

21 Nucleic Acids Nucleic Acids are complex macromolecules that store and transmit genetic information. Nucleotides are small repeating units that make up nucleic acids.

22 Nucleic Acids Two major types store genetic information:
DNA—deoxyribonucleic acid RNA—ribonucleic acid Another major nucleotide is ATP, which is a storehouse of energy

23 Checkpoint (COPY TABLE TO NOTES!)
Macro- molecule Building Block Function Example Protein Carbohydrate Nucleic Acid Nucleotide Store & communicate genetic information DNA RNA Lipid

24 Macro- molecule Building Block Function Example Protein Nucleic Acid
Amino Acids Transport substances Speed up reactions Structural support Enzymes Carbohydrate Monosacc-harides Store energy/ used for structural support in cells Glucose Nucleic Acid Nucleotide Store & communicate genetic information DNA RNA Lipid Fatty acids Store energy Provide barriers Fats, Oils and Waxes

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